Momo - Pohreb - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Momo - Pohreb

Pochovávam pojebaný rep do zeme, ničím slabých,
I bury fucked-up rap in the ground, crushing the weak,
Všetci mŕtvi králi, všetci kári kardináli,
All dead kings, all cardinals in their carriages,
Na nich padá hromada hliny, v ich tvári ostal nádych,
A heap of dirt falls on them, a breath remains on their faces,
A tak nevyhnú sa dnešnému pohrebu kári,
And so the carriages cannot escape today's funeral,
Všetci zverinári pre rep, rep veterinári, žiadne konfety,
All beastmasters for rap, rap veterinarians, no candy,
Fanfáry, tu ich svet topím v pohári, tento pohreb, ktorý
Fanfares, here their world drowns in a glass, this funeral that
dlho mám fixkou v kalendári, čakajú vás s lopatami
I've had marked in my calendar with a marker for a long time, gravediggers
Hrobári a kamenári, pojebanci hovoria si ′kto to prišiel?'
And stonemasons are waiting for you with shovels, the fuckers are saying, 'Who's that?'
′Odkiaľ?', odtiaľ kde vy ste žiaľ jak lanský ošiaľ,
'Where from?', from where you, unfortunately, are like last year's craze,
Dovoľte aby som vám úprimnú sústrasť poprial,
Allow me to offer you my sincere condolences,
No nepoprel svoju účasť na pohrebe objal, nie som ten
But he didn't deny his participation in the funeral, he hugged, I'm not the one
čo z každého si do seba pár deci odlial, ale ten čo ti
Who poured a couple of deciliters from everyone into himself, but the one who
Na tvojom pohrebe rád kurvu objal, ten čo smeje sa ti
At your funeral, I'd gladly hug a bitch, the one who laughs at you
Podpísaný veľkým číslom rímskym, ten čo neprezentuje
Signed with a big Roman numeral, the one who doesn't present himself
Sa kolom mlynským prísnym, fajči mi kokot každý
With a strict mill wheel, suck my dick every
Zkurvysyn s repom hmlistým, práve hovorím o tebe,
Son of a bitch with a hazy rap, I'm talking about you,
žebrák zmizni s tým!
Beggar, get out of here with that!
Vítam vás na pohrebe kurev, hajzlov
Welcome to the funeral of whores, assholes
Nesú sa hrobári s rakvou prázdnou,
The gravediggers are not carrying an empty coffin,
Vítam vás na pohrebe kurev, hajzlov
Welcome to the funeral of whores, assholes
Zahájil som pohreb, kár, dnes, tak máš smolu
I started the funeral, bitch, today, so you're out of luck
Vitajte na funuse smradov, ktorí mlčia v hudbe,
Welcome to the funeral of the stinking ones who are silent in music,
Piča rep o tom ako vitálne verní jednej kurve,
Bitch rap about how vitally they are faithful to one bitch,
V separé, 14 v nepáre je dôvod prečo nie ste v kurze,
In a private room, 14 in an odd number is the reason why you're not in vogue,
Stoka rep vám viac zatiahne na krku korzet, pozostalí
Sewer rap will tighten the corset around your neck more, the bereaved
Zosnulých vám vedia schuti napluť na ich rakvu,
Of the deceased can spit on their coffin with relish,
Jak zbrane stoky cvaknú, ovečky sa zlaknú,
As the sewer guns click, the sheep get scared,
Mlčky si klaknú (psst!), na psí povel pritaknú,
Silently kneel down (psst!), nod at the dog's command,
Chcete chodiť v podzemí, Lektor vám sfúkne faklu,
You want to walk in the underground, Lektor will blow out your torch,
(Fúú!) pochytajte sa za kokoty, hrajte sa schovávačku,
(Whew!) grab your dicks, play hide and seek,
Pred nami nezmiznete, od dverí nemých majú naši paklúč,
You won't disappear from us, our pack has the key to the silent doors,
Hlasný rehot nevyjde nevhod keď ruší farárove monológy,
Loud laughter is inappropriate when it disturbs the priest's monologues,
O tom jak súdny lekár odkryl vaše pozostatky dole na patológii,
About how the coroner uncovered your remains down in pathology,
Páchatelia dávno známi - bohovia stoky, nájdeš nás
The perpetrators are long known - the gods of the sewer, you'll find us
V mytológii, na ulici bignovať, smiať sa z fóbií, z pándlí pándlam
In mythology, flexing on the street, laughing at phobias, spitting at poodles poodles
Napluť do huby, čo špinavosťou kándlí, a všetkým kariéristom,
In the mouth, what candles with filth, and to all careerists,
Rep banditom, práve odzvonilo bam-bim-bim-bam-bom
Rap bandits, the bell has just tolled bam-bim-bim-bam-bom
Štýlom svojím repujem si, a tak pohreb tvoj je (smrad!)
I rap in my own style, and so your funeral is (stink!)
Pochovaný každý kár čo len kokot vie, (tak) trúchliaci
Every bitch who only knows dick is buried, (so) the mourners
blízki, smutný hlboký tón je, (ja) zahájil som pohreb,
Are close, a sad deep tone is, (I) started the funeral,
Vstúpte do ceremónie, eMO2 číslo rímskeho II., to robím
Enter the ceremony, eMO2 Roman numeral II., I do it
Podla seba, podla toho všetkého som hrozba hodná,
According to myself, according to all that I am a worthy threat,
Skutočný rep vyhrá napísali pravidlá, piča rep tu mŕtvych
Real rap wins the rules were written, bitch rap here flies the dead
Prelietava cez zvodidlá, je mŕtva hudba chybná, mŕtva hudba
Over the guardrails, dead music is flawed, dead music
Naivná, je pochovaná pojebaná pod zem hudba divná,
Naive, fucked up music is buried under the ground, strange music,
Album z ulice, v ktorom účinkujú len skutoční,
Album from the street, in which only real ones participate,
Poukazuje na to, že pouličný rep útočí, tie pojebané tragédie
Points out that street rap is attacking, those fucked up tragedies
Kári vám nikto neverí, tak všetci slabí reperi (zkurvysyni) sa
Nobody believes you bitches, so all weak rappers (motherfuckers) are
Rozplývajú v éteri, aj všetci kári, ktorí sebou vakerujú samplery,
Dissolving in the ether, even all the bitches who are carrying samplers around,
Pochovávam dutých jebov tupých a ich aféry, zahájil som
I bury hollow, stupid fucks and their affairs, I started
Pohreb, pojebanec máš po hre!, XIV číslom rímskym, som Momo,
The funeral, motherfucker, your game is over!, Roman numeral XIV, I'm Momo,
Pamätaj dobre! (smrad!)
Remember that well! (stink!)
(Sleduj!) Robiť hudbu pre peniaze a dostať za hudbu peniaze,
(Watch!) Making music for money and getting money for music,
dve rôzne veci, ako jebať odpadnutú mindžu na extáze,
Are two different things, like fucking a passed-out pussy on ecstasy,
Alebo dostať kurvu cicinou k extáze, chápeš?!, zbytočne
Or getting a bitch to ecstasy with your pussy, you get it?!, unnecessarily
Vodu šlapeš, v pohári utopený si dávno vinou vlastnou,
You're treading water, you've long been drowned in a glass through your own fault,
Kokotinou tvojou pičnou, fakt zlou tvorbou fikčnou, prázdnou,
Your shitty pussy, really bad fictional, empty creation,
Tak jak hovno hodnou akurát hajzlu, nami opľutou,
Just like shit worthy only for the toilet, spat on by us,
Odsunutou na druhú koľaj každou osobou, ktorá v hlave
Pushed aside by every person who has
Jasno, zhaslo svetlo, obhajobou nezachráni ťa ani Ben Matlock
Clarity in their head, the light went out, not even Ben Matlock can save you with a defense
Pre peklom, Suchý Pes víta ťa na pohrebe kurev, smradov,
Before hell, Suchý Pes welcomes you to the funeral of whores, stinks,
Klaunov, zas ti bude teplo ako v trúbe, fajnú saunu, prichystaná
Clowns, you'll be warm again like in an oven, a nice sauna, prepared
Pre teba je rozpálená kremačná pec, chlapec vec je istá,
For you is a red-hot cremation furnace, boy, that thing is certain,
Jak to že hladko pristáť ti nepomôže ani ten čo ťahal ťa hore za to,
How come even the one who pulled you up for not letting
že si sa nechal ako nádejná Misska od porotcu po papuli károm
Yourself be licked on the face by a judge like a hopeful Miss,
Lískať, svojím drístaním si získal akurát to, že zo sídliska útočia
With your bullshit, you've only earned the fact that from the housing estate they attack
Na teba Suché aj bojové psiská, kričíš a ono faul nikto nepíska,
You both dry and fighting dogs, you scream and nobody whistles a foul,
Kokot dávno ťa kixla zo zoznamu živých károv červená fixka,
A red marker has long kicked you off the list of living bitches,
Si mŕtvy, kár! (ha ha ha...)
You're dead, bitch! (ha ha ha...)

Writer(s): Jakub Dzubina, Peter Smeja, Roman Kukumberg

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