Monique - Man Nebaisu - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Monique - Man Nebaisu

Man Nebaisu
I'm Not Afraid
Galiu užsirišt akis, bet širdis vistiek matys, jos nieks nesulaikys.
I can close my eyes, but my heart will still see, nothing can stop it.
Galiu pamiršti svajones, bet man vistiek reikės tavęs, to pasaulis nesupras.
I can forget my dreams, but I will still need you, the world will not understand.
Matau naktis kaip keičia dieną, bet atsimušu į sieną, vėl.
I see the night change the day, but I hit the wall again.
Prašau padėk man atsispirti, palik mylėt nors mažą viltį, vėl.
Please help me resist, leave me a little hope to love, again.
Man nebaisu, nes tai mes suradome kartu, negali būti melas.
I am not afraid, because what we found together cannot be a lie.
Ooo gyvenu, ooo kol dar tikiu.
Ooo I am alive, ooo while I still believe.
Man nebaisu, nes kai tiktai mes liekam abu, noriu užsimerkti ir šaukt
I'm not afraid, because when we're left alone, I want to close my eyes and shout
Ooo gyvenu, ooo kol dar tikiu.
Ooo I am alive, ooo while I still believe.
Nežinau, nebežinau ooo.
I don't know, I don't know anymore ooo.
nežinau, nebežinau ooo.
I don't know, I don't know anymore.
Kad savo meilę jau radau.
That I have already found my love.
Nežinau, nebežinau ooo.
I don't know, I don't know anymore ooo.
nežinau, nebežinau ooo.
I don't know, I don't know anymore ooo.
Leisk sužinot kas bus toliau.
Let me find out what happens next.
Tu klausei ar mums pakeliui, bet vis dar degu viduj, plaukiu pasroviui.
You asked if we are on the same path, but I still burn inside, I float downstream.
Tu klausei ar galiu prisiekt ir dangų su tavim pasiekt, tereikia tik įkvėpt.
You asked if I can swear and reach heaven with you, all I have to do is breathe.
Prisiglausti ir apkabinti, nusileisti ir pakilti, vėl.
To cuddle and hug, to descend and ascend, again.
tau save padovanojau, mainais prašau sutikt rytojuj, vėl.
I gave you myself, in return I ask you to meet me tomorrow, again.
Man nebaisu, nes tai mes suradome kartu, negali būti melas.
I am not afraid, because what we found together cannot be a lie.
Ooo gyvenu, ooo kol dar tikiu.
Ooo I am alive, ooo while I still believe.
Man nebaisu, nes kai tiktai mes liekam abu, noriu užsimerkti ir šaukt
I'm not afraid, because when we're left alone, I want to close my eyes and shout
Ooo gyvenu, ooo kol dar tikiu.
Ooo I am alive, ooo while I still believe.
nežinau, nebežinau oooh.
I don't know, I don't know oooh.
Kad savo meilę jau radau.
That I have already found my love.
nežinau, nebežinau oooh.
I don't know, I don't know oooh.
Leisk sužinot kas bus toliau.
Let me find out what happens next.

Writer(s): Vytautas Bikus

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