Spin fans dry your sweat caress your hair while you sleep chests overlapping fingers gently trace the scar on your chest an unexpected kiss steals your voice let's go now peel back your heart
Good night このままずっと 眠れたら 世界中が忘れ去った この部屋で
Good night if we could sleep forever we'd be forgotten by the world in this room
We'll seek and wound each other we need nothing else let's go far away somewhere with pretty stars where we can dream of this city before the break of dawn engulfs us
Good night このままそっと 消えたいよ 世界中を騙しきって この部屋で 抱きしめあって くちづけあって それだけあればいいよ
Good night let us gently vanish together deceiving the world in this room embracing and kissing that's all we need
正解と不正解をぼんやり考えていた 悲劇も喜劇もなんだか全部悲しく思えて
Vaguely pondering what's right and wrong both tragedy and comedy seem somehow sad
Every event I see and the memories I hold the dots and lines connect to form a picture of you always smiling let's stay like this let's disappear together