Myslovitz - Art Brut (Radio Edit) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Myslovitz - Art Brut (Radio Edit)

Art Brut (Radio Edit)
Art Brut (Radio Edit)
To do ludzi jest krzyk,
There is a cry of these people,
Delikatny tak.
So delicate.
To wolanie bez solw,
This is a call without words,
Chcesz uslyszec patrz.
If you want to hear it look.
Radosc tworzy te mysl,
Joy creates this thought,
Rzezbi tak jak chce.
Sculpting as it wants.
Zwalcza lek,
Fighting fear,
Granic mniej.
Fewer boundaries.
Wykluczony bez wad
Excluded without flaws
Ktore mozna miec
That can be had
Zachwyt dziecka to stan
The ecstasy of a child is a state
Dla nich wiem, to sen
For them I know, it's a dream
Tak bardzo inny,
So very different,
A pewnie ten sam,
And probably the same,
To moze jest tlem,
This maybe is the background,
Jest gdzies tam.
It's somewhere there.
Ktory z nich to jest,
Which of them is this,
Ten prawdziwy swiat.
This real world.
Moj, Twoj, jej, albo wasz
Mine, yours, hers, or yours
Pewnie ich
Probably theirs
Jego tez
His too
Wiec chyba nasz.
So probably ours.
I naiwni jak nikt
And naive like no one else
Zaden dZwiek czy szept
No sound or whisper
No i szczery ten gest,
And so sincere this gesture,
Spontaniczny tez.
Also spontaneous.
Jakby na przekor tym
As if in spite of this
Doskonale pieknym, znam
Perfectly beautiful, I know
Tym, co sa,
Those that are,
Co w alejach gwiazd.
What is in the alleys of stars.
Ktory z nich to jest,
Which of them is this,
Ten prawdziwy swiat
This real world
Moj, Twoj, jej, wasz
Mine, yours, hers, your
Jego tez,
His too,
Wiec chyba nasz.
So probably ours.
Ktory z nich
Which of them
To jest ten
Is this
Trafny punkt
The right point
Widac zal.
You can see regret.
Jeszcze cos
Something else
Oprocz nas
Besides us
Z obu stron
On both sides
Dzieje sie.
Is happening.
Kolorowy z drewna, ludzi tlum
Colored wooden figures of a crowd of people
Malych kobiet, panow stu
Small women, hundreds of men
Muchomorow, sanek liczb
Toadstools, sledges, numbers
Przytulaja sie, to nic.
They hug each other, it's nothing.
Kalendarze, cyfry, pelno dat
Calendars, numbers, full of dates
Autoportret, siedem pan,
Self-portrait, seven women,
W okularach siwych dam
Grey-haired ladies in glasses
Dziwnych zwierzat, mnogosc klat
Strange animals, many frames
Pod sukniami patrza na
Under dresses looking at
Swietosc, aniol, byki, twarz
Holiness, an angel, bulls, a face
Oryginalna wiecznosc ma
Original eternity has
Przytulaja sie, przytulaja sie, przytulaja sie.
They hug each other, they hug each other, they hug each other.

Writer(s): artur rojek, jacek kuderski, wojciech "lala" kuderski, wojtek powaga, przemek myszor

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