Mägo de Oz - Finisterra - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mägo de Oz - Finisterra

Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Ayer como la nieve en la mar
Yesterday, like snow upon the sea
Las cosas ya no parecían igual
Things no longer seemed the same to me
La gente se olvidó de reír
People forgot how to laugh with glee
Y al Sol le cuesta tanto salir
And the Sun struggles to rise, you see
Hoy el bufón no paró de llorar
Today the jester cried all day long
El mudo al fin ha aprendido a cantar
The mute at last has learned to sing his song
Las doce a las campanas despertó
The bells awoke at the stroke of twelve
La esperanza por cambio de negocio cerró
Hope closed its doors, no longer to delve
Aún grita el silencio al sordo que
Still the silence screams to the deaf man's ear
Todo va mal, nada está bien
Everything's wrong, nothing is clear
Oh, corre la estatua a evitar
Oh, the statue runs to avoid the spray
Que salpique el olvido
Of oblivion's touch, come what may
Que moje el agua del mar
The water of the sea, where memories lay
Oh, por fin te has decidido a venir
Oh, you've finally decided to come this way
He oído tanto hablar de ti
I've heard so much about you, I must say
En mis sueños te he visto llegar
In my dreams, I've seen you arrive today
En tus ojos veo el mal
In your eyes, I see evil hold sway
Desde hace siglos gobernar has querido
For centuries, you've yearned to rule and sway
En todas las almas y pocas han cedido
Over every soul, but few obey
Las más al reino de la luz llegarán
Most will reach the kingdom of light's display
Las menos al reino del mar del olvido
The rest, to the sea of oblivion's sway
Si has aprendido la lección
If you've learned the lesson, I implore
Si has observado cómo son
If you've observed how they behave and explore
Necesitan a un líder obedecer
They need a leader to obey and adore
Hagamos una coalición
Let's form a coalition, and even the score
En ellos he visto el miedo a la soledad
In them, I've seen the fear of being alone
Miedo a la muerte y el dolor al terminar de amar
Fear of death, and the pain of love's sad tone
Hagamos un pacto, al libre albedrío déjalos
Let's make a pact, leave their free will known
Y yo les daré progreso, armamento y civilización
And I'll give them progress, weapons, a world of their own
Repartámonos sus almas, el futuro es para
Let's divide their souls, the future is mine to claim
Mientras utilizas tu Iglesia, adormécelos
While you use your Church, lull them to sleep with its name
Consumo, televisión, inflación
Consumption, television, inflation's game
Un nuevo orden, globalización
A new order, globalization, all the same
Es mi regalo, frente al ordenador
It's my gift, in front of the computer's screen
Al otro lado os llevaré
To the other side, I will take them, unseen
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Déjame explicar
Let me explain, my dear
Deja de oír, escúchame
Stop just hearing, truly listen here
Parias del mundo venid
Outcasts of the world, come near
A la libertad
To freedom's frontier
Ahora empieza tu camino
Now your journey starts anew
Solo eres el señor de ti
Only you are your own master, it's true
El progreso está en tu espíritu
Progress lies within your spirit's hue
Y no en una ciudad
And not in a city's view
Solo elige tu destino
Only you choose your fate's design
Solo decide invertir
Only you decide where to invest your time
En tu espíritu
In your spirit's shrine
O en una central nuclear
Or in a nuclear plant's confine
No creas en quién
Don't believe in those who preach
Desde una sotana, solo ve
From a cassock, they only seek to reach
Negritos a quién convertir
Little black souls to convert and teach
En vez de aprender de ellos a vivir
Instead of learning from them, life's true speech
Ahora empieza tu camino
Now your journey starts anew
Solo tu eres el señor de ti
Only you are your own master, it's true
El progreso está en tu espíritu
Progress lies within your spirit's hue
Y no en una ciudad
And not in a city's view
Solo elige tu destino
Only you choose your fate's design
Solo decide invertir
Only you decide where to invest your time
En tu espíritu
In your spirit's shrine
No a las dictaduras
No to dictatorships, their iron fist
No a la impunidad
No to impunity, where justice is missed
No al comercio injusto
No to unfair trade, where children are grist
Que explota al menor de edad
Exploited for labor, their futures dismissed
a las autocracias
Yes to self-rule, where power is shared
a la libertad
Yes to liberty, where voices are aired
El tercer mundo va a estallar
The third world is set to ignite and flare
Juntemos las fuerzas
Let's join our forces, with strength to spare
Para resistir a Pinochet en Chile
To resist Pinochet in Chile's land
Y en Chechenia a un tal Putin
And in Chechnya, against Putin's command
Levantaos en Bosnia
Rise up in Bosnia, take a stand
Inmigrantes venid
Immigrants, come, lend a hand
El tercer mundo ya está aquí
The third world is already here, understand
Buenos días boletines de información
Good morning, news bulletin, here's the latest scoop
Les habla su emisora: radio tus cojones
This is your station: Radio "Your Balls" in the loop
Sorprendido un político incapaz de engañar
Politician caught, unable to deceive and dupe
A un obispo no putero y pobre de verdad
A bishop who's not a whoremonger, poor and astute
Un documental ha sido líder de audiencia
A documentary has topped the ratings, it's true
Pepe a Marta no pega y la tiene en cuenta
Pepe doesn't hit Marta, he values her too
Se llevan las gordas y la inteligencia
Intelligence and curvy women are all the rage
Ojalá fuera verdad
I wish it were true, in this current age
Han hallado en Compostela
They've found in Compostela, a sight to behold
A los pies del Apóstol envuelto en tela
At the Apostle's feet, wrapped in cloth and gold
Un misterioso cofre y dentro un CD Rom
A mysterious chest, and inside, a CD Rom
Con una inscripción
With an inscription upon
En Satania estás, es el fin del camino
You are in Satania, the end of the road you roam
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra
Oh Finis, oh Terra

Writer(s): Bob Stanley, Sarah Cracknell, Pete Wiggs

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