NITENDO Plectrum - Raspberry Candy - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation NITENDO Plectrum - Raspberry Candy

Raspberry Candy
Raspberry Candy
NITENDO Plectrum
NITENDO Plectrum
Я я я
Пред собой увидел я тебя
I saw you in front of me
Вижу я тебя, вижу я себя
I see you, I see myself
Невероятная красота окружает меня
Incredible beauty surrounds me
Долго был я один, но теперь ты рядом со мной
I was alone for a long time, but now you are by my side
Что могло бы это означать
What could this mean?
Везение ты или очередная полоса препятствий?
Are you luck or another obstacle course?
Кто же ты девочка, что прекрасней нет
Who are you, girl, that there is no more beautiful?
Кто же ты девочка, что 8 чудо света ааа
Who are you, girl, that the 8th wonder of the world, ahhh
Девочка конфеточка ааа
Girl candy, ahhh
(Чтоооо с тобой детка)
(What’s the matter with you, baby?)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
(Чтоооо с тобой детка)
(What’s the matter with you, baby?)
Беру тебя всЮ... И покупаЮ я тебя
I take you ALL... And I buy you
И себЯ ты не контролируешь уже
And you don't control yourself anymore
Снова и снова
Again and again
220 обороты высоки
220 revolutions are high
Ты летишь и не смотришь на банкноты...(money money)
You fly and don't look at banknotes... (money money)
Ты пытаешься звонить, но абонет не абонет...(ту ту ту)
You are trying to call, but the subscriber is not a subscriber... (doo doo doo)
Ты пытаешься использовать свою карточку, но она пуста? А?
Are you trying to use your card, but it's empty? Huh?
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
(Чтоооо с тобой детка)
(What’s the matter with you, baby?)
Москва это третий кибер Рим, уникальный кибер Мир
Moscow is the third cyber Rome, a unique cyber world
И я в нем сам себе кибер император
And I am my own cyber emperor in it
А ты моя система жизни, ведь именно я твой создатель
And you are my life system, because I am your creator
Ах не стоит благодарить, я ведь не святой и не Моисей
Oh, don't thank me, I'm not a saint and not Moses
Но я верил, что ты станешь чем-то большим!
But I believed that you would become something more!
Да, блять, я ошибался, так уж вышло
Yeah, damn, I was wrong, it just happened
Что мы люди уж часто ошибаемся и видем то чего нет
That we people are often wrong and see what is not there
Снова (2х)
Again (2x)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
(Чтоооо с тобой детка)
(What’s the matter with you, baby?)
Я лишь играю с тобой
I'm just playing with you
Но мой скин не прогрузился до концА!!
But my skin didn't load until the end!!
Я галаграмма для тебя и для твоей душИ!
I am a hologram for you and for your soul!
Я живу в мире где есть все о чем только пожелаЕшь!
I live in a world where there is everything you could wish for!
Мы не такие разные
We are not so different
Но о чем ты думаешь, когда совокупляешься с королём?
But what are you thinking when you copulate with the king?
Мы любим друг друга?
Do we love each other?
То что ты называешь чуствовами на деле лишь пустой звук!
What you call feelings is actually just an empty sound!
Но на этот вечер мы забудем про это
But for tonight we will forget about it
А на утро прости прощай!
And in the morning, I'm sorry, goodbye!
Ведь ты помнишь? Моя жизнь это моя империя и я в ней император
Because you remember? My life is my empire and I am the emperor in it
А ты в ней лишь Карфаген, что должен быть разрушен!
And you are just Carthage in it, which must be destroyed!
у у у у ...) (затишье)
(Ooooooh...) (silence)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (sweet candy)
What's the matter with you baby?
What's the matter with you baby?
You're my raspberry candy!
You're my raspberry candy!
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
But still who are sweet or nasty? Nasty... (raspberry candy)
(Чтоооо с тобой детка)
(What’s the matter with you, baby?)
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
Raspberry candy
NITENDO Plectrum
NITENDO Plectrum

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