Nano Stern - La Raiz - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Nano Stern - La Raiz

La Raiz
The Root
Pareciera que la tierra se nos va a acabar
It seems like the earth is going to end
Que sera cubierta por concreto y alquitran
That it will be covered by concrete and tar
Pareciera que la vida se nos va a ahogar
It seems like life is going to drown
Afixiada por paredes que la mataran
Choked by walls that will kill it
Hablan de progreso y hablan de desarrollar
They talk about progress and talk about developing
Pero con sus planes no hacen mas que asesinar
But with their plans they do nothing more than murder
Los abuelos de la tierra ya casi se van
The grandparents of the earth are almost gone
Pero en algun tiempo de seguro volveran
But in some time they will surely return
Cuando no haya nada mas que un gran cementerio gris
When there is nothing left but a large gray cemetery
El silencio brotara una pequeña raiz
Silence will sprout a small root
Poco a poco vencera
Little by little it will overcome
Poco a poco avanzara
Little by little it will advance
El cemento no la detendra
The cement will not stop it
La raiz vencera al cemento
The root will overcome the cement
La raiz vencera el cemento
The root will overcome the cement
La raiz vencera al cemento
The root will overcome the cement
La raiz vencera el cemento
The root will overcome the cement
Asi como vamos poco iremos a durar
The way we're going, we won't last long
Crecen las ciudades sin dejar avazallar
Cities grow without leaving anything behind
Algun dia habra que ir a un museo pa mirar
Some day we'll have to go to a museum to look
Fotos de los arboles videos sobre el mar
Photos of trees and videos of the sea
Mientras tanto todos miran tele sin parar
In the meantime, everyone is watching TV without stopping
Ya si se les va olvidando que pueden soñar
They are already forgetting that they can dream
Los van convenciendo de que no hay lucha por dar
They are being convinced that there is no need to fight
Pero hay todavia una batalla por ganar
But there is still a battle to be won
Cuando no haya nada mas que un gran cementerio gris
When there is nothing left but a large gray cemetery
El silencio brotara una pequeña raiz
Silence will sprout a small root
Poco a poco crecera
Little by little it will grow
Poco a poco avanzara
Little by little it will advance
El cemento no la detendra
The cement will not stop it
La raiz vencera al cemento
The root will overcome the cement
La raiz vencera al cemento
The root will overcome the cement
La raiz vencera al cemento
The root will overcome the cement
La raiz vencera al cemento.
The root will overcome the cement.

Writer(s): Nano Stern

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