Neisha - Movin' on - translation of the lyrics into English

Movin' on - Neishatranslation in English

Movin' on
Movin' on
Me ne boš vprašal
You won't ask me
Kako sedaj preživljam čas
How I spend my time now
Me ne boš stisnil k sebi
You won't hold me close
In pregnal s sveta ta mraz
And drive the cold away from this world
Ker vsako popoldne
Because every afternoon
Grem na tvojo stran
I go to your page
Nič več ne jokam
I don't cry anymore
Naj ne bo te sram
Don't be ashamed of it
Prinesel si mi pomlad
You brought me spring
Še vedno mam dost' tebe
I still have enough of you
Da si olajšam čas
To make my time easier
Četud me kdaj zazebe
Even if I ever freeze
Je vsaj tvoj ta mraz
At least it's your cold
Ker vsako popoldne
Because every afternoon
Grem na tvojo stran
I go to your page
Nič več ne jokam
I don't cry anymore
Naj ne bo te sram
Don't be ashamed of it
Mogoče res
Maybe yes
In potem letim, letim od tod
And then I fly, I fly away from here
Praviš naj ti ne težim
You tell me not to bother you
Kaj tam čist vsak dan visim
Why do I hang out there every day?
In naj raje nekam grem
And you tell me to go somewhere
A jaz kričim
But I scream
Kričim za tvoj objem
I scream for your hug
Mogoče že to popoldne
Maybe this afternoon
Že ta večer
This evening
Te morda uzrem
I might see you again

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