Nicholis Louw - Ek Is Lus Vir Jou - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Nicholis Louw - Ek Is Lus Vir Jou

Ek Is Lus Vir Jou
I'm Craving for You
Jy ken al my lyntjies klaar
You already know all my jokes
Jy sing al my songs so saam
You sing along to my every song
Kom staan hier voor my en dans
Come and stand here and dance with me
Dan wys jy vir my wie's baas
And you'll show me who's the boss
Jy weet wat ek wil
You know what I want
En jy doen dit as ek so
And you do it if I say so
So gee nou jou als vir my
So give all for me now
En kyk of jy my kan kry
And see if you can make me yours
Want ek is lus so lus
Because I am craving, so craving
Om dit alles net vir jou te doen
To do all this for you
Want ek is lus so lus
Because I am craving, so craving
Om jou lippe en jou wang te soen
To kiss your lips and your cheek
Ek is lus vir jou om net aan te hou
I'm craving for you to go on
En te sien hoe jy van my ook hou
And to see how you love me
Want ek is lus so lus vir jou
Because I'm so craving for you
my wat jy wil doen
Tell me what you want to do
Is ons okay vir 'n soen
Are we okay with a kiss
my wat jy wil
Tell me what you want
Laat dit diep in my hart kom
Let it come in deep in my heart
Ek wil dit van jou af hoor
I want to hear it from you
Ek sal jou volg stap voor
I'll follow you step by step
Wys maar die pad vir my
Just show me the way
Dit voel of jy my verlei
It feels like you're seducing me

Writer(s): Brendon Marc, Kelly Don, Louw Nicholis

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