Nico Roig - Una Forma D'Esperança - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Nico Roig - Una Forma D'Esperança

Una Forma D'Esperança
A Way of Hope
I només una abraçada em va fer falta
And just an empty hug
Per entendre que te n'anaves
Made me understand that you were going away
Just després ens vam posar a plorar els dos
Right after that we both started to cry
Veig la teva cara quan encara preguntaves
I can see your face when you used to ask
On podríem anar de viatge quan sortissis d'aquest pou
Where could we go for a trip when you got out of this pit
Era només una forma d'esperança
It was just a way of hope
Era només una forma d'esperança
It was just a way of hope
I vas donar-ho tot, pel què creies que ho era tot
And you gave it your all, for what you believed was everything
Tant que va acabar semblant que no ens volies al teu món
So much that it ended up seeming that you didn't want us in your world
Si que en aquell temps ningú entenia
If that time nobody understood
Que la teva pròpia família
That your own family
No et pogués donar tot el consol del món
Could not give you all the consolation in the world
I em poso trist veient-me encara
And it makes me sad seeing myself still
Adolescent i gens conscient
A teenager and not at all aware
De que eres tu la que es devia sentir més sola
That it is you who should have felt most alone
I no feia falta ser gaire despert
And it didn't take much to be a little more awake
Per entendre el que volies
To understand what you wanted
Però jo no ho vaig saber fer
But I didn't know how to do it
I ara que t'entenc com crec que m'entens a mi
And now that I understand you as I think you understand me,
Em sap tant greu que t'ho volguessis guardar sempre tot a dins
I feel so sorry that you always wanted to keep it all inside
Em tenies esperant, com em tens ara desitjant
You had me waiting, as you have me now longing
Que quan et sento al meu costat no sigui un somni
That when I hear you by my side, it wouldn't be a dream
Ves allà on hagis d'anar
Go wherever you need to go
Tranquil·la com un llac
Quiet as a lake
Que sap molt que en ell tota la fusta sura
Which knows very well that all the wood floats in it
Jo tinc fusta de flotador
I'm made of a floaty wood
No m'enfonso i mira
I don't sink, look
Que he passat alguns moments per la foscor
I've been through some moments in the dark
I en part t'ho dec a tu
And I partially owe it to you
que m'has fet de llum
I know that you have become my light
Que mai te n'has anat prou lluny com per no veure't
That you have never gone far enough for me not to see you
Que mai te n'has anat prou lluny com per no veure't
That you have never gone far enough for me not to see you
I faig tot el possible per poder deixar-te anar
And I do everything I can to let you go
Ara ja ens hem perdonat, ja ho hem fet tot
Now we have already forgiven ourselves, we have already done everything
No que dir-te, és impossible no trobar-te a faltar
I don't know what to tell you, it's impossible not to miss you
És impossible no trobar-te a faltar
It's impossible not to miss you
No trobar-te a faltar...
Not to miss you...

Writer(s): Nico Roig Fonta

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