Nicu Alifantis - Dacă Tu Ai Dispărea - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Nicu Alifantis - Dacă Tu Ai Dispărea

Dacă Tu Ai Dispărea
If You Disappear
Stiu cat gresesc cand te doresc
I know I'm wrong when I desire you
Dar, sa speri, e un lucru firesc
But, to hope, is a natural thing to do
Nu pot renunta
I cannot give up
Sunt amintiri ce se hranesc
There are memories that feed on
Cu lacrimi ce pe obraz se topesc
Tears that melt on our cheeks
Mai caut privirea ta
I still search for your gaze
Daca tu ai pleca
If you were to leave
Noptile ar lovi in inima mea
The nights would beat at my heart
Daca tu n-ai mai fi
If you were no more
Stiu, visele ar muri
I know, the dreams would die
Daca tu ai pleca
If you were to leave
Noptile ar lovi in inima mea
The nights would beat at my heart
Daca tu n-ai mai fi
If you were no more
Stiu, visele ar muri
I know, the dreams would die
Daca eu as pleca
If I were to leave
Probabil ca as putea
Most likely, I could
Sa-mi vad de linistea mea
Go off and find some peace
Departe, pe undeva
Somewhere, far away
Nicio gresala de-a ta
None of your mistakes
Parca n-ar mai deranja
Would bother me any more
Telefonul n-ar suna
The telephone would not ring
N-am mai vorbi de fosta
We'd no longer speak of the past
Dar nu stiu cine m-ar mai putea face pe mine
But I don't know who else could make me believe
Sa cred in viitor
In the future
Cum nu stiu cine te-ar mai putea face pe tine
Like I don't know who else could make you
Sa ma stergi din telefon
Erase me from your phone
Pentru ca noi suntem daca si cu parca
Because we are if’s and maybe’s
Ne mai clatinam prin barca
We still sway in the boat
Altii merg pe ea si sparta
Others walk on it and break it
Nu fii panicata
Don't panic
Daca tu ai pleca
If you were to leave
Noptile ar lovi in inima mea
The nights would beat at my heart
Daca tu n-ai mai fi
If you were no more
Stiu, visele ar muri
I know, the dreams would die
Daca tu ai pleca
If you were to leave
Noptile ar lovi in inima mea
The nights would beat at my heart
Daca tu n-ai mai fi
If you were no more
Stiu, visele ar muri
I know, the dreams would die
Niciun restart nu ne-ar salva
No restart could save us
Azi ne certam, dar maine ne impacam iar
Today we fight, but tomorrow we reconcile again
Poimaine imi dau seama ca totul a fost in zadar
The day after tomorrow, I realize that it was all in vain
Si, atunci, as vrea sa ne oprim pentru o secunda macar
And, then, I would like us to stop for a second at least
Sa sterg totul cu un burete si sa ne intoarcem la normal
To wipe everything out with a sponge and return to normal
Eu ca eu, daca as pleca
Me as me, if I were to leave
Dar hai sa pun problema asa
But let's put it this way
Cum ar mai curge viata mea
How would my life go on
Fara tine in ea, daca tu ai pleca
Without you in it, if you were to leave

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