Nino D'Angelo - 'A canzone 'e tonino - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Nino D'Angelo - 'A canzone 'e tonino

'A canzone 'e tonino
'Tonino's Song'
Tonino m′aspettava
Tonino waited for me
'Ncopp"a lambretta rossa
On his red scooter
′Na sigaretta le pazziava 'ncopp"o musso.
A cigarette dangled from his lip.
E fuievemo 'nzieme
And we ran away together
A cercà jurnate nove
In search of new days
E lassà ′o niente ca ce steva addò sta ancora.
And to leave behind the nothing that still exists there.
Tonino nun sapeva
Tonino didn't know
Ca sott′a faccia eramo nire
That underneath, our faces were black
E quanno m'abbracciava
And when he embraced me
Teneva ′e braccia sincere.
His arms were sincere.
Tonino faticava,
Tonino worked hard,
Nun era stato maie creaturo
He had never been a boy
E nun parlava maie d'ammore cu nisciuno.
And he never spoke of love with anyone.
′Nu juorno se 'ncantaie
One day he fell in love
′Nnanz na vocca 'e fuoco,
With a fiery mouth,
Fuie chello fuoco
It was that fire
C'ho stutaie a poco a poco.
That consumed him little by little.
Tonino se beveva
Tonino believed every
Ogni buscia ca senteva,
Lie he heard,
Quanno perdeva ′o core
When he lost his heart
Se squagliava comm′a neve.
He melted like snow.
E cantava cu mme
And he sang with me
Na canzone d'ammore
A love song
Pe saglì e poi cadè
To rise and then fall
Pe tuccà l′illusione
To touch the illusion
Nun vuleva sapè
He didn't want to know
Cherè 'o tuorto o ′a ragione
Who was right or wrong
Cancellava 'e pecchè
He erased the sins
E ce scriveva passione.
And wrote passion in their place.
Tonino se spusaie
Tonino got married
Sotto ′na pioggia 'e ciure,
Under a shower of flowers,
He said yes
A chi se l'aveva già vennuto.
To someone who had already sold herself to him.
E quanno se truvaie
And when he found himself
′Nnanz ′e parole cchiù scure
Facing the darkest words
Pigliaie 'o curaggio
He took courage
E se vuttaie ′ncuoll"a paura.
And faced the fear.
Tonino nun sapeva
Tonino didn't know
(Nun 'o sapeva)
(He didn't know)
Ca vita soia era breve,
That his life was short,
Guardava cchiù luntano
He looked further ahead
Vedeva ′o sole pure 'a sera.
He saw the sun even in the evening.
E cantava cu mme
And he sang with me
Na canzone d′ammore
A love song
Pe fuì e poi cadè
To flee and then fall
Pe tuccà l'illusione
To touch the illusion
Nun vuleva sapè
He didn't want to know
Cherè 'o tuorto o ′a ragione
Who was right or wrong
Cancellava ′e pecchè
He erased the sins
E ce scriveva passione.
And wrote passion in their place.

Writer(s): Nino D'angelo

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