Núria López Fàbrega - Bocins de Pa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Núria López Fàbrega - Bocins de Pa

Bocins de Pa
Bocins de Pa
Desperto enmig de sons que no connecto
I awaken amidst sounds I do not connect with
I que no formem part de mi
And that are not part of me
I sembla que no el que penso ni sento
And it seems I do not know what I think or feel
Tu aquí i jo deixant-te enrere en un lloc molt més lluny
You here and me leaving you behind in a place far away
Hi ha raons que em fan tirar endavant, tancar el baúl
There are reasons that make me move forward, close the trunk
He deixat pel camí bocins de pa per si he de tornar enrere
I have left pieces of bread along the way in case I have to turn back
M'allunyo a cada pas entrant a una estranya esfera
I move away with each step, entering a strange sphere
Saltant un munt de moments
Skipping a lot of moments
Tirant endavant en el temps, no
Moving forward in time, I don't
Voldria dividir-me en dos
I would like to divide myself in two
I poder guardar-ho tot, amb mi
And be able to keep it all, with me
S'entela el vidre d'una sala freda
The glass of a cold room steams up
On l'aire no em recorda a tu
Where the air does not remind me of you
I hi ha una part de mi incompleta, que em crema
And there is a part of me incomplete, that burns me
Et congeles al record
You freeze in the memory
Has crescut, has canviat de lloc
You have grown, you have changed places
M'abraça una gran tristor
A great sadness embraces me
Que divideix el meu cor
That divides my heart
He deixat pel camí bocins de pa per si he de tornar enrere
I have left pieces of bread along the way in case I have to turn back
M'allunyo a cada pas entrant a una estranya esfera
I move away with each step, entering a strange sphere
Saltant un munt de moments
Skipping a lot of moments
Tirant endavant en el temps, no
Moving forward in time, I don't
Voldria dividir-me en dos
I would like to divide myself in two
I poder guardar-ho tot, amb mi
And be able to keep it all, with me
Ah, et difumines enmig dels malsons
Ah, you blur in the midst of nightmares
Ah, puc reconèixe't des d'un altre món
Ah, I can recognize you from another world
He deixat pel camí bocins de pa per si he de tornar enrere
I have left pieces of bread along the way in case I have to turn back
M'allunyo a cada pas entrant a una estranya esfera
I move away with each step, entering a strange sphere
Saltant un munt de moments
Skipping a lot of moments
Tirant endavant en el temps, no
Moving forward in time, I don't
Voldria dividir-me en dos
I would like to divide myself in two
I poder guardar-ho tot, amb mi
And be able to keep it all, with me

Writer(s): Roger Argemi Tutusaus, Nuria Lopez Fabrega, Oriol Plana Pedret

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