Obrint Pas - Somnis de Lluna - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Obrint Pas - Somnis de Lluna

Somnis de Lluna
Moon Dreams
Somia la terra entre els oceans
The land dreams between the oceans
A les grans onades dels somnis de sal
In the great waves of salty dreams
Somia la vida a les seues mans
Life dreams in her hands
A les grans barriades dels somnis de fang
In the great neighborhoods of clay dreams
Somia batalles d'antigues cançons
She dreams of battles from ancient songs
A les melodies dels somnis de plom
In the melodies of leaden dreams
Somia derrotes cremant il·lusions
She dreams of defeats burning illusions
A les esperances dels somnis del món
In the hopes of the world's dreams
Uo-oh, es fa de nit al món
Oh, night falls on the world
Uo-oh, i al fons del seu cor
Oh, and deep in her heart
Somia amb la Lluna tornar a somiar
She dreams of the Moon to dream again
La vida prohibida del teu despertar
The forbidden life of your awakening
Somia amb les cares de pell ancestral
She dreams of faces with ancestral skin
I en els foscos segles de somnis de sang
And in the dark centuries of bloody dreams
Somia justícia, somia combat
She dreams of justice, she dreams of combat
En les tristes selves dels somnis robats
In the sad jungles of stolen dreams
Somia Bolívar, somia Martí
She dreams of Bolívar, she dreams of Martí
En les velles rutes dels somnis prohibits
On the old routes of forbidden dreams
Somia fronteres trencant horitzons
She dreams of frontiers breaking horizons
Viatjant al tren de les revolucions
Traveling on the train of revolutions
Uo-oh, es fa de nit al món
Oh, night falls on the world
Uo-oh, i al fons del seu cor
Oh, and deep in her heart
Somia amb la Lluna tornar a somiar
She dreams of the Moon to dream again
La vida prohibida del teu despertar
The forbidden life of your awakening
Hombre destructivo, dime cuál es tu objetivo
Destructive man, tell me what your goal is
Dime pronto, pronto, dime a quién invadirás
Tell me quickly, quickly, tell me who you will invade
Mercenario con corbata el mundo ya está podrido
Tie-wearing mercenary, the world is already rotten
Y eso pronto, tonto, Dios te lo va hacer pagar
And soon, fool, God will make you pay for it
Y que revenden media costa traficantes de tierra
And that you resell half the coast, land traffickers
Pablo Escobar de la coca pero ustedes de la guerra
Pablo Escobar of cocaine, but you of war
De la guerra de las armas ustedes han sido el karma
Of the war of weapons, you have been the karma
Ocupando una tierra mientras petróleo desangra
Occupying a land while oil bleeds out
La magia es abracadabra y las riquezas son negras
Magic is abracadabra and riches are black
Que por la muerte insensata solo el demonio se alegra
That only the devil rejoices at senseless death
La raza negra y la blanca a esta lucha se integra
The black and the white race integrate into this struggle
Hay muerto power como vi toneladas de tierra
There are as many dead as I have seen tons of earth
A causa de los misiles no hay catapultas de piedra
Because of missiles, there are no stone catapults
Si ustedes son los hostiles son la venenosa hiedra
If you are the hostile ones, you are the poisonous ivy
No importan cuantos soldados en atentados se pierdan
No matter how many soldiers are lost in attacks
La ganancia es demasiada llenarás tus arcas de mierda
The profit is too great, you will fill your coffers with shit
Uo-oh-oh-oh, uo-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Somia la Lluna tornar a somiar
The Moon dreams to dream again
La vida prohibida del teu despertar
The forbidden life of your awakening
Somnia la Lluna tornar a somniar
The Moon dreams to dream again
L'Amèrica viva d'orgull popular
America alive with popular pride
Me queda la impresión de que estamos asistiendo a la historia
I have the impression that we are witnessing history

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