One Way - Call Me - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation One Way - Call Me

Call Me
Call Me
Nama gua Lil o
My name is Lil o
Hei nama gua Lil o mata sekali kedip cewe langsung pasrah
Hey my name is Lil o when I wink, girls instantly surrender
Elo boleh ngintip tapi soal yg kicip itu jatah gue
You can take a peek, but when it comes to the real action, that's all mine
Lo gak kebagian sabar woles ajeh
Better luck next time, be patient
Banyak yg bilang bang Lil o playboy
Many people say that Lil o is a playboy
Hei tetap enjoy tetap asoy gue playboy nomer wahid
Hey keep it easy, stay groovy, I'm a top-notch playboy
Elo bengong kaya ayam sakit
You're daydreaming like a sick chicken
Hey gadis seksi kamu cantik sekali mendekat kemari biar kucium lagi
Hey sexy girl, you're so pretty, come closer, let me kiss you again
Kamu pintar gigit aku dileher aku gak tahan langsung loncat kaya kipper
You're a good biter; you bite my neck, I can't resist, I bounce back like a goalkeeper
Apa apa Lil o ini itu Lil o pokoknya yg jelek itu semua Lil o
Whatever, Lil o's this and that, in short, anything bad, it's all Lil o's fault
Lil o jahat Lil o bandel Lil o kece gua memang pede
Lil o is bad, Lil o is naughty, Lil o is cool, I'm confident
Baru kali ini gua goyang dougie ternyata asik pingin nyoba lagi
This is the first time I've danced the dougie, it turns out to be fun, I want to try it again
Ayo dong baby nikmati malam ini cuma kita berdua gak ada cctv
Come on baby, let's enjoy tonight, it's just the two of us, and there's no CCTV
Jalan dengan gue gak terasa malu maluin
Walking with me, you won't feel ashamed
Naik motor gede jalan jalan cari angin peluk dong sayang peluk dipinggang
Riding a big motorbike, cruising around, looking for some breeze, baby, hold me, hold me close
Kaya biasa kacamata gue dibelakang
As usual, my sunglasses are at the back
Nama gue Lil o gue paling hip hop elo doyan hip hop sungkem tangan gue 4x
My name is Lil o, I'm the best at hip hop, if you like hip hop, bow down to me 4x
Gue punya mantan dia bilang sayang gue
I have an ex-girlfriend, she said she loves me
Dia punya pacar tapi peluk peluk gue
She has a boyfriend, but she hugs me
Elo bikin pusing bikin gue sinting
You make me dizzy, you make me crazy
Anjing sini datang biar elo gue banting
You damn dog, come here, I'll kick you
Cowok baik baik itu yg elo mau
The good guy is what you want
Tapi kenapa sama gue elo mau
But why do you want me?
Kita gak pacaran tapi kita ciuman
We're not dating, but we kiss
Kita gak pacaran tapi main kuda-kudaan
We're not dating, but we make out
Sore kita berdua, malam lo sama dia
In the afternoon, it's the two of us, in the evening, you're with him
Sore lo peluk gua, malam lo cium dia
In the afternoon, you hug me, in the evening, you kiss him
Gue gak munafik gue memang cemburu
I'm not being hypocritical, I'm jealous
Elo jadi hak milik kalo dia gue bunuh
You'll become mine, and I'll kill him
Alah yasudah yaudahlah
Ah, whatever
Gue pangeran beribu selir
I'm the prince with a thousand concubines
Mending lu ngesot ke pojok sambil melintir
You'd better crawl to the corner and writhe
Yg sopan dengan gue sungkem tangan gue
Those who are polite with me, I bow to 4x
Aje gila lo nanya gue kuliah dimana
Crazy, you're asking me where I go to college
Pokoknya mau cari gue lo telpon aja
If you want to find me, just call me
Lil o dimana 'aku gak kemana mana'
Lil o, where are you? "I'm not going anywhere"
Lil o kemana 'aku lagi dirumah'
Lil o, where are you going? "I'm at home"
Nama gue lil o elo sungkem dulu
My name is Lil o, you bow down first
Nama gue lil o gue super hero
My name is Lil o, I'm a superhero
Ama spiderman ama superman
With spiderman and superman
Si robin best friend ya gue batman
Robin is my best friend, and I'm batman
Nama gue Lil o gue paling hip hop elo doyan hip hop sungkem tangan gue 4x
My name is Lil o, I'm the best at hip hop, if you like hip hop, bow down to me 4x

Writer(s): Kevin Mccord

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