Oques Grasses - Inevitable - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Oques Grasses - Inevitable

Dins els teus ulls hi ha una veritat,
There's a truth in your eyes,
diuen que hi som a temps,
they say we are on time,
que mai és tard.
that it's never too late.
Com podria no agradar-me?
How could I not love you?
Si vist així és infinit el mar.
If I look at it that way, the sea is endless.
S'estén en aquest viure intens
An intense life unfolds
un univers en un badall.
a universe in a yawn.
Jo vivint dins el miracle,
I live in this miracle,
vaig saber que eres estiu a dins l'hivern
I knew you were summer in winter
i crec que el secret és que no hi ha secret,
and I think the secret is there is no secret,
que surten fruits si bufes un desig honest.
that fruits come if you express an honest desire.
Com podria no agradar-me?
How could I not love you?
El que ens surt del cor és de veritat,
What comes from our hearts is true,
no ens ho traiem del cap.
we don't imagine it.
Va enfilant una escala al mur
He climbs a ladder on the wall
i ha acabat sent papallona,
and becomes a butterfly,
fent l'amor als quatre vents.
making love to the four winds.
I què hi pot fer si s'enamora de l'altura
What can he do if he falls in love with the height
i no es para a pensar en la caiguda?
and does not stop to think about the fall?
Veu bellesa a tot arreu i així es salva,
He sees beauty everywhere and that saves him,
i així es cura.
and that cures him.
Portes la vida als ulls...
You bring life to my eyes...
El que ens surt del cor és de veritat,
What comes from our hearts is true,
no ens ho traiem del cap. Com podria no agradar-me?
we don't imagine it. How could I not love you?

Writer(s): arnau altimir casanovas, guillem realp musach, joan borràs dalmau, josep montero pujolar, josep valldeneu barrero, miquel biarnés massip, miquel rojo rosa

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