Parazitii & Spike - Rau Sau Bun - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Parazitii & Spike - Rau Sau Bun

Rau Sau Bun
Heaven or Hell
Fascinat de lumea de dincolo
Fascinated by the world beyond,
Revin din morti
I return from the dead,
Bucuros ca am ocazia
Happy to have the chance
Sa v-o recomand la toti
To recommend it to you all.
Ca-n sl*boz m-am plictisit
For in limbo I grew bored,
Si-n ceea ce ma priveste
And as for myself,
Citesc in ochii tuturor acel:
I read in everyone's eyes that:
"Doamne fereste"
"God forbid!"
Da, el incearca sa imi gaseasca partea isterica
Yeah, he tries to find the hysterical side of me
Atunci cand sunt trezit de clopotele trase in biserica
When I'm woken by the church bells ringing.
"Sa pice raiul pe pamant" strig pana in crapa capul
"Let heaven fall on earth," I shout until my head bursts,
"Nu ma faceti sa ma urc la voi, bah ca va ia dracu'"
"Don't make me come up there, or the devil will take you."
Acum pe bune acest lucru are parti bune
Now, seriously, this whole thing has its good sides,
Deci cine imi poate spune ca nu se pot face glume
So who can tell me that jokes can't be made?
Cum sa nu fie femeile curve? intreb inca o data
How can women not be whores? I ask again,
Cand ne inchinam cu totii aceluiasi tata,
When we all bow down to the same father,
Bah las-o moarta, semnaleaza durerea
Damn, leave it dead, signal the pain
De cand placerea pe care o ai tu nu ti-o simte muierea
Since the pleasure you have, your woman doesn't feel.
Fa ca mine, alege ultima stramba din mii de fiinte
Do like me, choose the last crooked one from thousands of beings
Si spune la toti ca iti place modul in care scuipa seminte
And tell everyone you like the way she spits seeds.
Figurand pe lista neagra a femeilor
Figuring on the women's blacklist,
Lansez sub forma de mesaj pe vibrator
I launch a message on the vibrator,
Un strigat de ajutor
A cry for help.
Sunt in chinuri groaznice. oh nu sa nu-mi faceti rau
I'm in terrible pain. Oh no, don't hurt me,
Ca sunt asa de inofensiv incat o sa va para rau
Because I'm so harmless you'll regret it.
Prezentand partea mea sensibila ma uit pe cer
Presenting my sensitive side, I look at the sky
Sa nu ma stranga de gat vreo mana divina extensibila
Lest some divine extensible hand strangle me.
Plus ca la multe expresii biblice ma pierd
Plus, I get lost in many biblical expressions.
Daca acolo sus ma iubeste cineva...
If someone up there loves me...
Ce ar trebui sa cred?
What should I believe?
Rai sau iad, rau sau bun
Heaven or hell, good or evil,
Iarba sau tutun, fericit sau roman,
Weed or tobacco, happy or Romanian,
Sclav sau stapan, geniu sau nebun,
Slave or master, genius or madman,
Cand toti tac sau spun,
When everyone is silent or speaks,
Bine venit sau ramas bun.
Welcome or goodbye.
Rai sau iad, rau sau bun
Heaven or hell, good or evil,
Iarba sau tutun, fericit sau roman,
Weed or tobacco, happy or Romanian,
Scalv sau stapan, geniu sau nebun,
Slave or master, genius or madman,
Cand toti tac sau spun,
When everyone is silent or speaks,
Bine ai venit sau ramas bun.
Welcome or goodbye.
Te uita toti in trei zile
They all forget you in three days
Daca dai in primire
If you give in to reception.
Ia meditatii de supravietuire
Take survival lessons
Ca ultima stire:
Like the latest news:
Sunt plin de falsa compatimire
I'm full of false compassion,
Sunt zero la capitolul convietuire
I'm zero at cohabitation.
N-am incredere in oameni
I don't trust people
Si n-am trecut, am doar prezent
And I have no past, only present.
In pielea mea ma simt excelent
In my own skin I feel excellent,
Frecvent, distrug vise in mod evident
I frequently destroy dreams, obviously.
E selectie naturala intr-un mediu sintetic
It's natural selection in a synthetic environment,
Iar eu, care nu cred ce vor altii
And I, who don't believe what others say,
Sunt denumit eretic
Am called a heretic.
Tehnic, ma inchid ermetic in mine
Technically, I close myself hermetically within myself,
Calculand eroarile
Calculating errors,
Si ma doare in p*la
And I don't give a damn
Unde va scundeti voi comorile
Where you hide your treasures.
Vestile bune vin mereu tarziu
Good news always comes late,
S-ar putea sa nu te mai gaseasca viu
They might not find you alive.
Si stiu ca daca viata te ia la misto
And I know that if life makes fun of you,
Tre' sa-ti faci rezervare din timp la
You have to make a reservation in time at
Www punct cimitir punct ro
Www dot cemetery dot ro
Printre prietenii mei nu sunt romani fericiti
Among my friends, there are no happy Romanians,
Sau au bani prea multi si sunt plictisiti
Either they have too much money and are bored,
Sau sunt faliti
Or they are broke.
Sa stii ca daca esti la pamant si astepti o minune
Know that if you're down and out and waiting for a miracle,
Nu primesti nimic si din p*la compasiune.
You won't get anything out of compassion either.
Daca ajung in rai va zbor penele
If I get to heaven, I'll fly your feathers,
Daca ajung in iad, va cer un foc
If I get to hell, I'll ask for a fire.
Uite inchei versu asta
Look, I'm ending this verse
In aceeasi bataie de joc.
In the same mockery.
Rai sau iad, rau sau bun
Heaven or hell, good or evil,
Iarba sau tutun, fericit sau roman,
Weed or tobacco, happy or Romanian,
Scalv sau stapan, geniu sau nebun,
Slave or master, genius or madman,
Cand toti tac sau spun,
When everyone is silent or speaks,
Bine ai venit sau ramas bun.
Welcome or goodbye.
Rai sau iad, rau sau bun
Heaven or hell, good or evil,
Iarba sau tutun, fericit sau roman,
Weed or tobacco, happy or Romanian,
Scalv sau stapan, geniu sau nebun,
Slave or master, genius or madman,
Cand toti tac sau spun,
When everyone is silent or speaks,
Bine ai venit sau ramas bun.
Welcome or goodbye.
Astern in bezna casei tale. isteria
I spread hysteria in the darkness of your house,
Si dispar precum vampirii cand ridici draperia
And disappear like vampires when you raise the curtain.
Stau in coltu meu si-ti mananc din pom bomboanele
I sit in my corner and eat your candy from the tree,
M-amuz cand iti scap sifoanele si-ti tai tendoanele
I laugh when your siphons slip and I cut your tendons.
Ai fost partas la nenumarate litigii
You've been involved in countless lawsuits,
Si nici azi nu stii cine vrei sa fii, Gina sau Gigi
And even today you don't know who you want to be, Gina or Gigi.
Te umpli de spume, urli in lume ca un bou
You froth at the mouth, you scream at the world like an ox,
Ca tu esti steril iar femeia ta e gravida... din nou
That you are sterile and your woman is pregnant... again.
Loveste-o bine sau rau
Hit her, good or bad,
Ma joc cu viata ta
I play with your life
Ca si cu un joc de lego
Like a Lego game.
Copilu tau redus, adus de barza, e varza
Your child, reduced, brought by the stork, is cabbage,
Ca-i fierb in fiecare dimineata in lapte, iarba
Because I boil weed in his milk every morning.
Vrei sa scapi de mine, in fine, tine
You want to get rid of me, well, hold on,
O sa-i dau peste maini doctorului care baga bisturiu' in tine
I'll slap the hand of the doctor who puts a scalpel in you.
Iti faci cruci, daca apuci...
You cross yourself, if you manage...
Cand te trezesti ca raul vine peste tine... fugi
When you wake up and evil comes upon you... run.
Beat muci, cand afli ca e in tine...
Drunk as a skunk, when you find out it's in you...
Pai. fa ca mine fai...
Well, do as I do...
In felu tau...
In your own way...
E rau sa fi bun. sau e bine sa fii rau: D.
It's bad to be good. Or is it good to be bad? :D
Rai sau iad, rau sau bun
Heaven or hell, good or evil,
Iarba sau tutun, fericit sau roman,
Weed or tobacco, happy or Romanian,
Scalv sau stapan, geniu sau nebun,
Slave or master, genius or madman,
Cand toti tac sau spun,
When everyone is silent or speaks,
Bine ai venit sau ramas bun.
Welcome or goodbye.
Rai sau iad, rau sau bun
Heaven or hell, good or evil,
Iarba sau tutun, fericit sau roman,
Weed or tobacco, happy or Romanian,
Scalv sau stapan, geniu sau nebun,
Slave or master, genius or madman,
Cand toti tac sau spun,
When everyone is silent or speaks,
Bine ai venit sau ramas bun.
Welcome or goodbye.
Ramas bun...

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