Paraziții - Cui Ii Pasa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Paraziții - Cui Ii Pasa

Cui Ii Pasa
Who Cares
P-asta n-o editez baga-mi-as pu^a in ea.
I'm not editing this shit, f*ck it.
N-ai descoperit inca ca esti bolnav
You haven't figured out you're sick yet
Noi iti spunem ca esti bolnav si e grav
We're telling you, you're sick and it's serious
Starea mea de spirit s-a modificat
My mood has changed
Cui ii pasa? Cui pu^a mea ii pasa?
Who cares? Who the f*ck cares?
Cand ce vrea pu^a mea ca pu^a mea da tonu′
When my d*ck wants it, my d*ck sets the tone
Ca de cand am plecat e in faliment moral Rotonu'
'Cause since I left, Roton's in moral bankruptcy
Lumea se schimba, ma schimb si eu
The world is changing, I'm changing too
Cand toti plutesc si zboara, ma simt mai greu
When everyone's floating and flying, I feel heavier
Va imbracati ca niste piz^e sa va placa piz^ele
You dress like b*tches so b*tches like you
Bai nene, e-o tara de lesbiene
Dude, it's a country of lesbians
Am ajuns prea devreme, acum e prea tarziu
I arrived too early, now it's too late
Si stiu ca-i o solutie pe care n-o mai stiu
And I know there's a solution I don't know anymore
Cand o cioara boraste de inima albastra
When a crow shits with a blue heart
Iau viagra si imi bag pu^a-n muzica voastra
I take viagra and f*ck your music
N-ai descoperit inca ca esti bolnav
You haven't figured out you're sick yet
Noi iti spunem ca esti bolnav si e grav
We're telling you, you're sick and it's serious
Starea mea de spirit s-a modificat
My mood has changed
Cui ii pasa? Cui pu^a mea ii pasa?
Who cares? Who the f*ck cares?
Va iau in pu^a toata tara, guvernul c-asa vreau eu
I'll f*ck the whole country, the government, 'cause that's what I want
Nu m-a crescut tara asta, m-au crescut ai mei cu greu
This country didn't raise me, my parents did, with difficulty
Ne urmaresti mereu, mareste c***e pasu′
You're always watching us, take a bigger f*cking step
Vrei sa faci poze la minut, pozeaza-mi mie ceasu'
You want to take pictures every minute, take a picture of my watch
Iau in gura porumbelu' pacii sa il f^t
I'll suck the peace dove's d*ck
Cand banii invart lumea si hotii o conduc
When money spins the world and thieves rule it
Cand lumea se scufunda, desfac berea mea
When the world sinks, I open my beer
Am o durere-n pu^a ca nu stiu daca mai scap de ea
I have a pain in my ass that I don't know if I'll ever get rid of
Ai o cioara cu tine, animal de companie
You have a crow with you, a pet
Sa-mi sugi pu^la. Cine ma eu? Nu tu ma, mie
Suck my d*ck. Who me? Not you, me
N-ai descoperit inca ca esti bolnav
You haven't figured out you're sick yet
Noi iti spunem ca esti bolnav si e grav
We're telling you, you're sick and it's serious
Starea mea de spirit s-a modificat
My mood has changed
Cui ii pasa? Cui pu^a mea ii pasa?
Who cares? Who the f*ck cares?
Cautam-ma c***e si ai sa ma gasesti
Look for me, b*tch, and you'll find me
Testand ciocanu′ intr-un magazin cu obiecte bisericesti
Testing the hammer in a church supply store
Ganduri lumesti, ma curtremura firesc
Worldly thoughts, naturally shaking me
Ma plictisiti de moarte, nu pot sa ma opresc
You bore me to death, I can't stop
Sunt de moda veche, deja sunt expirat
I'm old-fashioned, already expired
Voi va fute^i in cur, eu inca ma fu^ in pat
You f*ck yourselves in the ass, I still f*ck in bed
Versul meu e explozibil, va dau foc ca Nero
My verse is explosive, I'll set you on fire like Nero
Cautati siguranta, circulati cu Sandero
You seek safety, you drive a Sandero
Sa-si faca cna-ul divizie anti-tero
Let the CNA make an anti-terror division
Sunt senil peste 10 ani incep de la zero
I'm senile, in 10 years I'll start from scratch
N-ai descoperit inca ca esti bolnav
You haven't figured out you're sick yet
Noi iti spunem ca esti bolnav si e grav
We're telling you, you're sick and it's serious
Starea mea de spirit s-a modificat
My mood has changed
Cui ii pasa? Cui pu^a mea ii pasa?
Who cares? Who the f*ck cares?
Am o gluga neagra mare in cap
I have a big black hood on my head
Si-o coasa in mana
And a scythe in my hand
Zambeste-mi larg fraiere si-ai sa-i simti metalu′ in gura
Smile wide, sucker, and you'll feel the metal in your mouth
Sunt gata sa dau foc lumii situatia e clara
I'm ready to set the world on fire, the situation is clear
Ai vrut sa fi baiat de cartier, dar ai crescut la tara
You wanted to be a city boy, but you grew up in the country
Imi vorbesti din carti, vii sa-mi dai sfaturi mie
You talk to me from books, you come to give me advice
Daca ce dai aia primesti, ai grija cand dai m**e
If you get what you give, be careful when you give sh*t
Imi bag pu^a-n muzica din radio
I f*ck the music on the radio
C-asa vreau eu
'Cause that's what I want
Si m****s chiar in masina ta cabrio
And I sh*t right in your convertible
Trec anii peste noi, voi mediatizati tiganii
Years pass us by, you media hype gypsies
Mi-am pierdut simtul umorului, deci scoateti banii
I lost my sense of humor, so get the money out
N-ai descoperit inca ca esti bolnav
You haven't figured out you're sick yet
Noi iti spunem ca esti bolnav si e grav
We're telling you, you're sick and it's serious
Starea mea de spirit s-a modificat
My mood has changed
Cui ii pasa? Cui pu^a mea ii pasa?
Who cares? Who the f*ck cares?
Lumea devine o parnaie in aer liber
The world is becoming an open-air prison
N-avem un scop, n-avem un stat, n-avem un lider
We have no purpose, no state, no leader
Guvernu' se plange ca nu sunt bani
The government complains there's no money
Colectati impozitele datorate de tigani
Collect the taxes owed by gypsies
Politicienii fraierii vor sa imi faca o surpriza
The dumb politicians want to surprise me
Vad ca v-ascundeti dupa degetul infipt in piz^a
I see you're hiding behind the finger stuck in your c*nt
Poate-s primu′ care profita de pedeapsa cu moartea
Maybe I'm the first to take advantage of the death penalty
Pentru obraznicia crasa de'a deschide cartea
For the gross audacity of opening a book
As vrea sa va invat dar nu stiu prea multe
I'd like to teach you but I don't know much
Insa par un geniu printre atatea entitati inculte
But I seem like a genius among so many uneducated entities
N-ai descoperit inca ca esti bolnav
You haven't figured out you're sick yet
Noi iti spunem ca esti bolnav si e grav
We're telling you, you're sick and it's serious
Starea mea de spirit s-a modificat
My mood has changed
Cui ii pasa? Cui pu^a mea ii pasa?
Who cares? Who the f*ck cares?
Ne-am chinuit toata viata s-aratam ca o pu^a
We struggled all our lives to look like a d*ck
Si acum sunt baietii astia aici care arata ca niste piz^e
And now there are these guys here who look like b*tches

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