Paraziții - Cum sa jignesti o femeie - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Paraziții - Cum sa jignesti o femeie

Cum sa jignesti o femeie
How to Insult a Woman
Tu ar trebui sa fii tinuta sub cheie,
You should be locked up,
Mai ai 3 operatii grele, de facut sa fii femeie.
You need 3 more surgeries to even be considered a woman.
Cand te misti, imi dai impresia ca te pisi,
When you move, it looks like you're pissing yourself,
Dar o faci atat de elegant, incat ne tii pe toti cu ochii-nchisi.
But you do it so elegantly, it keeps us all with our eyes closed.
Fantezii, sa stii, sunt mii, am o multime,
Fantasies, you know, there are thousands, I have plenty,
Vad mii de p***e bune cand ma uit prin tine.
I see thousands of good pussies when I look through you.
Esti o venerabila caterinca genetica,
You're a venerable genetic joke,
Ne fascineaza mersu′ tau de scroafa epileptica.
Your epileptic sow walk fascinates us.
Orice barbat victimizat de-aici pana-n Siberia,
Any victimized man from here to Siberia,
Vede semnele clare, demascand progeria.
Sees the clear signs, exposing your progeria.
Esti tot ce putea fi, si nu poti sa te schimbi,
You are everything you could be, and you can't change,
Iar Bichon-ul tau dresat, e stresat si nu da limbi.
And your trained Bichon is stressed and won't lick.
Decat sa-ti mangai mutra aia dezordonata,
Instead of stroking your messy face,
Mai bine f*t o carcasa de vaca, secata sub apa.
I'd rather fuck a cow carcass, dried up under water.
Nu pune la suflet, vorbele mele umile,
Don't take my humble words to heart,
Incerc sa fac un catalog cu jigniri utile.
I'm trying to make a catalog of useful insults.
Utilitatea ta pe Pamant, cacat, e relativa,
Your usefulness on Earth, shit, is relative,
Mori in mortii tai din proprie initiativa.
Die in your own death by your own initiative.
O voce plictisita iti poate spune-n telefon,
A bored voice can tell you on the phone,
"Ca ala nu-i chilot, e-o husa draguta de camion".
"That's not panties, it's a cute truck cover".
Pus in situatia de-a te f**e chiar si ultimul distrus,
Put in the situation of fucking you, even the last destroyed man,
S-ar c**a pe el de frica, s-ar p**a pe tine de ras.
Would shit himself out of fear, would piss on you from laughter.
Refren: x2
Chorus: x2
Am intentii bune, pe bune, n-ai tu idei,
I have good intentions, really, you have no idea,
Cate cuvinte frumoase pot spune, unei femei.
How many beautiful words I can say to a woman.
Am nevoie de-un minut, ca sa-ti stric dimineata,
I need a minute to ruin your morning,
Si de doua legate, sa te fac sa-ti iei viata.
And two minutes straight to make you take your life.
"Ce faci pisi? Ahh, yaa! Hai sa te scot prin parc, dar intai sa iti pun o punga-n cap.Ce fata ai, iti sparg dintii.
"What's up, pussy? Ahh, yaa! Let's take you out to the park, but first let me put a bag on your head. What a face you have, I'll break your teeth."
Ti-am umplu capu' de m**e, nu e caterinca,
I filled your head with shit, it's not a joke,
Daca scuipi o alta p***a-n p***a ramane gravida.Da
If you spit another pussy in a pussy, she'll get pregnant. Yeah
Dintii la o parte, in p**a mea,
Teeth aside, in my ass,
Ce faci tu cu dintii nu face nici Zorro, cu sabia.
What you do with your teeth, Zorro doesn't even do with his sword.
Cand e tare-n gura baga-n ea, analgezice,
When it's hard in her mouth, put analgesics in it,
Sa vezi cand i-o dau anal, ce zice.
Let's see what she says when I give it to her anal.
Tu esti femeia visurilor mele,
You are the woman of my dreams,
Nu stiam de ce visez urat de la o vreme.
I didn't know why I was having nightmares lately.
In fiecare zi, de mine, tu, ti-aduci aminte,
Every day, you remind yourself of me,
De parca te-am slobozit in maseaua de minte.
It's like I set you free in my wisdom tooth.
Daca masina mea era rupta ca tine, nu trecea de RAR,
If my car was broken like you, it wouldn't pass the RAR,
Ma bucur cand te vad ca la cortegiul funerar.
I'm happy when I see you like at a funeral procession.
Nu faci 2 lei, grei, dar ai ganduri mari,
You're not worth 2 lei, heavy, but you have big thoughts,
Esti atat de rupta-n gura, incat ai sanii naturali.
You're so torn in the mouth that you have natural breasts.
Cu mine-n gura te trezesti din somn,
With me in your mouth, you wake up from sleep,
Esti terminata dupa p**a, cum sunt copiii dupa Pokemon.
You're finished after dick, like kids after Pokemon.
O sa te lansez pe Dunare,
I'm going to launch you on the Danube,
M-am indragostit, dar imi trece dupa doua numere.
I fell in love, but it passes after two numbers.
Acum, serios vorbind, la modul afectiv,
Now, seriously speaking, in an affective way,
Am nevoie de tine ca de-o gaura-n prezervativ.
I need you like a hole in a condom.
Refren: x2
Chorus: x2
Am intentii bune, pe bune, n-ai tu idei,
I have good intentions, really, you have no idea,
Cate cuvinte frumoase pot spune, unei femei.
How many beautiful words I can say to a woman.
Am nevoie de-un minut, ca sa-ti stric dimineata,
I need a minute to ruin your morning,
Si de doua legate, sa te fac sa-ti iei vïata.
I need two minutes straight to make you take your life.

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