Paraziții - De Ziua Ta - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Paraziții - De Ziua Ta

De Ziua Ta
On Your Birthday
Esti un nasol
You're a jerk,
Cu lant de aur la gat
With a gold chain around your neck
Si creierul gol.
And an empty brain.
Cumperi tzoale de firma false
You buy fake designer clothes
Bagi in Mec la Mall.
You cruise in your Mec at the Mall.
Ai un seria 5
You have a 5 series
Iti pute botu′
Your breath stinks
Plescai ca e mentol
It crackles like menthol
Mor femeile dupa tine...
Women die for you...
Fa'ti un control
Get yourself checked
Cap de bivol!
Buffalo head!
Vad ca tu n′ai rude ai stol
I see you have no relatives, you have a herd
Si sa'mi aduc in pistol
And I should bring
Munitia de razboi la paintball
My war ammo for paintball
Esti parvenit
You're a social climber
Dai cu banii'n lautari
You throw money at musicians
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti un c*cat retardat care sta poa "gugle"
You're a retarded piece of shit who sits on "Google"
Joaca table - Ragaie cand da duble
Plays backgammon - Burps when he rolls doubles
Canta "O viata mea!" cand e plimbat in dube
Sings "O viata mea!" when he's driven around in a van
La parnaie o s*ge′n [chec vis impins de rude?]
In jail, you'll suck a dick [even if pushed by relatives?]
Ne bucuram sincer frate
We're sincerely happy, brother
Iti meriti soarta
You deserve your fate
Cauta′ne'n 20 de ani
Look for us in 20 years
Cand ti se va deschide poarta.
When the gate opens for you.
Esti un nimic nefericit
You're a miserable nothing
Cu trotineta ta...
With your scooter...
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti un paznic borat cu ceapa′n gat
You're a drunk security guard with onions on your breath
Fi multumit ca ai crescut cu vaca la pascut
Be grateful you grew up herding cows
Prostia ta e scut
Your stupidity is a shield
Noi n'avem aparare cand iti aperi
We have no defense when you defend
Obiectivul transpirat cu ceafa′n soare
Your sweaty objective with your neck in the sun
In jurul tau e multe nu'ntelegi nimic si
There's a lot around you, you don't understand anything and
Presupui uimit ca esti in caruta cand te bagi in lift
You assume amazed that you're in a cart when you get in the elevator
Iti dam kick g*ozare
We'll kick your ass, bitch
Exact ca basescu...
Just like Basescu...
Da... DA. DA
Yeah... YEAH. YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti un porc posesor de casa de discuri
You're a pig, owner of a record label
Ti′am bagat milioane'n cont
We put millions in your account
Tu vezi doar riscuri
You only see risks
Fiscu' te vaneaza.
The taxman is hunting you.
Fi pe faza - esti o mina de aur
Stay alert - you're a gold mine
Poti sa plangi falit la audit
You can cry broke at the audit
Cu lacrimi de minotaur
With tears of a minotaur
Nu sunt bogat sunt respectat
I'm not rich, I'm respected
In schimb cand fac afaceri sar la gat
On the other hand, when I do business, I jump at the throat
Date′n foc nu dau limbi.
Set on fire, I don't snitch.
N′ar fi rau sa te schimbi un pic...
It wouldn't hurt to change a bit...
Si nu uita
And don't forget
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti un popa infect cu mana pe bani
You're a disgusting priest with your hand on the money
Cand e vorba de f*tut copii si lins icoane sapte dani
When it comes to fucking kids and licking icons, you're a seven dan
Te temi ca Dumnezeu ramane fara fani cand bagi alcool, mancare
You fear God will run out of fans when you bring alcohol, food
Si vrei bani la inmormantare
And you want money at the funeral
Hoitu tau gras o sa sperie morga
Your fat corpse will scare the morgue
Cand vei parasi pamantu'
When you leave the earth'
S′o sa mori ca iorga
You'll die like Iorga
Noi glumim acum
We're just kidding now
Si fumam ceva in cinstea ta...
And we're smoking something in your honor...
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Cred ca ti'a vorbit ma′ta.
I think your mom talked to you.
Ma'ta... ma′ta despre mine
Your mom... your mom about me
Cred ca ti'a vorbit ma'ta despre mine
I think your mom talked to you about me
O sl*bozesc fara oprireZzici ca sunt pe alcaline
I'll make her weak without stopping, you'd say I'm on alkaline
Am nevoie de′un microfon
I need a microphone
Si de′o cu*va ca tine
And a bitch like you
Sa ma inspire si'ti cant fara oprire pana maine.
To inspire me and I'll sing to you non-stop until tomorrow.
Esti o c*rva′n sat
You're a village whore
Tot vrei bani de la mine
You keep wanting money from me
Iti doresc sa'ti iei de ei
I wish you'd get yourself some
Lumanari si pastile
Candles and pills
Te′astept in poarta ta.
I'll wait for you at your gate.
Cu flori de nu ma uita...
With forget-me-not flowers...
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti un gabor gras
You're a fat cop
Traiesti periculos
You live dangerously
Fara cartus pe teava puti a prost
Without a cartridge on the barrel, you smell like an idiot
Devii nervos in post
You get nervous at the post
Sa citesti nu stii
You don't know how to read
Mai ai vreo 7 ani sa incepi
You have about 7 years left to start
Sa incerci sa scrii.
To try to write.
Iti iei p*li in bot
You get punched in the face
Din orice directie
From any direction
In intersectie
At the intersection
Parca faci colectie.
It's like you're collecting them.
Daca e asea, de ziua ta
If that's the case, on your birthday
Hai ca'ti dau ceva...
Come on, I'll give you something...
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti doar o zdreanta, Zdreanto′.
You're just a rag, Rag.
Seara de seara ai doar un scop:
Every night you have only one goal:
Sa faci banii sa dispara.
To make the money disappear.
Esti fata cuminte doar pe verticala
You're a good girl only vertically
Cand stai pe'orizontala esti o c*rva penala.
When you're horizontal, you're a criminal whore.
Te privim toti cum stai
We all watch you stand
In statie la tramvai
At the tram stop
F*tuta, combinata de fraierii de pe Hi5
Fucked, picked up by losers on Hi5
In caz ca mai stai.
In case you're still there.
Dau de baut
I'll buy you a drink
In caz ca'mi place ursuletu′ tau de plus
In case I like your teddy bear
Mi′ldai sa'l f*t?
Will you let me fuck it?
Ma placi? si io te plac
You like me? I like you too
Da′n sange asea...
Let's do it like this...
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.
Esti mare rapper dar mai ai ceva in plus
You're a big rapper, but you have something extra
Te comporti exact ca p*zda din strofa de mai sus
You act just like the bitch from the verse above
Cand vrei sa ti se s*ga te izbesti de'un refuz
When you want to get laid, you get rejected
Te joaca in picioare p*zda pe′o piesa proasta de blues
The bitch plays you like a fool on a bad blues song
Esti confuz...
You're confused...
In lumea asta dura. plin de ura
In this harsh world, full of hate
Te uiti in p*zda precum cainele'n friptura.
You look at the pussy like a dog at a steak.
Te plangi ca nimeni nu te vrea
You complain that nobody wants you
Hai vin′o'ncoa!
Come here!
Da... DA
Yeah... YEAH
Sa s*gi p*la de ziua ta.
Suck a dick on your birthday.

Writer(s): Ion Stefan Catalin, Pastaca Bogdan Ionut

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