Paraziții - Slalom printre cretini - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Paraziții - Slalom printre cretini

Slalom printre cretini
Slalom among cretins
Facem slalom printre cretini .zi de zi
We slalom among cretins .day after day
Intr-o lume mica si murdara asa cum o stim
In a small and dirty world as we know it
Prostii par conceputi pe cale artificiala
Fools seem to be conceived artificially
Ca sunt multi ai dracu' si nu au nicio boala.
Because there are so many damn fools and they have no disease.
Sarbatoriti prostia veseli. e carnaval
Celebrate the merry folly, it's carnival
Ca aveti 365 de sarbatori intr-un an
Because you have 365 holidays in a year
Cand te aud iti pocnesc paine cu salam in freza.
When I hear you I bang bread and salami in your face.
Domnu' presedinte. te-ai murdarit la gura de engleza?
Mr. President, did you get your mouth dirty with English?
Zambesc isteric psihic sunt labil
I smile hysterically, my mind is unstable
Daca uit sa-mi iau pastilele va mai alegeti cu-n vadim
If I forget to take my pills, you'll get another Vadim
Plang in hohote de ras day every day. iauzi bre . bre date-n mortii tai
I cry with laughter every day, hear me out. Give me a break.
Daca nu s-a ales prafu' o sa se aleaga
If the dust has not settled, it will settle
De o tara in care deschizi gura te leaga
From a country where you open your mouth and they tie you up
Si! vreau sa va vad zambind dragii mei. misei...
And! I want to see you smile my dear misei...
Cand o sa va dam foc in noapte la fel ca chei chei chei
When we set you on fire at night like chei chei chei
Degeaba vrei sa-ti educi copila cand
It's no use trying to educate your child when
Copila ta beleste ochii la cum beleste alta p*la
Your child stares at how another p*la stares
Si . ai manele in casti si aur pe degete
And . you have manele in your headphones and gold on your fingers
Cand traversezi regulamentar io te calc pe trecere
When you cross the street properly, I'll run you over at the crossing
Refren x2
Chorus x2
Facem slalom printre cretini. ca sa traim si
We slalom among cretins to live and
Ne dam de ceasu mortilor matii cand te intalnim
We cross ourselves when we meet you
Ai 2 clase primare. esti poreclit ganditoru'
You have 2 years of primary school, you are nicknamed the thinker
Sa nu faci lectii cu copilu' ca-i distrugi viitorul
Don't lecture your child or you'll ruin his future
Ma'mpinge sa te-nvat de bine in p*la mea
Makes me teach you a lesson in my p*la
Hai da cu dacia-n perete ca-ti pica un renault din ea
Come on, hit the Dacia into the wall and a Renault will fall out of it
Esti un creator de linguri. citeste almanahe
You're a spoon maker, read almanacs
Treci la fapte ca vei deveni primar de bucuresti la noapte
Get to work because you'll become mayor of Bucharest tonight
Nu ridica ochii la cer la sfantu' satelit ca va scuipa 0 si 1 si va pica dezamagit
Do not raise your eyes to heaven to the holy satellite because it will spit 0 and 1 and will fall disappointed
Ne intrebam timid acum cu voia dumneavoastra
We ask you timidly now with your permission
Ce poa' sa faca telenovele de succes dintr-o proasta.
What successful soap operas can do to a fool.
Daca asculti si parazitii si muzica tiganeasca
If you listen to both parasites and gypsy music
Te invit sa ti bagi p*la'n mata . nimeni n-o sa te opreasca
I invite you to put a p*la'n mata. no one will stop you
Mi se sopteste in casca ca sunt ca si mancat.
They whisper in my headphones that I'm like manure.
O ce m-am speriat. mancami'ati p*la de viu ma las de cantat...
Oh how scared I am, eat me alive p*la I'll stop singing...
Refren x2
Chorus x2

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