Patron feat. Saian - Akıncı Marşı - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Patron feat. Saian - Akıncı Marşı

Akıncı Marşı
The Raider Anthem
Bu rapin lokomotifi benim ama bölemedi biri vagonuma takılır alamaz dönemeci
This rap's locomotive is mine, but he couldn't split it, someone gets stuck in my car, he can't take the turn
Kuru budu bırak hele dolu bu tomarı yakala radarı bulamadı teker izi göreceli
Leave the dry leg, especially catch this full wad, he couldn't find the radar, the wheel track is relative
Teneke seni bi kenefe gerelim eledim edebi tipine bilimum atak yapalım
Let's stretch you to a tin can, I eliminated, let's make a scientific attack on the literary type
Hiphop u kafana kapak yaparak aparkatıda paralar abanarak azami bu sürat adamım
Hiphop u doing a cap on your head, hanging money on your uppercut, this is the maximum speed, man
Paramı sorun arama yaramaz olum bırakın ara gazı verelim o tarafa sorun
Don't call my money a problem, naughty, let's give Dec Dec gas ask that way
Karala komut elime kalemi dola bi tosun osuruk sesine sample yaparak sırala soluk
Scribble a command, fill my pen in my hand, hit a fart sound, sort it by making a sample, pale
Deneme bırak ha bide geneli sıvar abeci veriyimmi tıpa senide yerine tıkar
Let's not try, ha, the bidet generally plasters the abeci, i give, the stopper will plug you in instead
Erinme temeli benim eminim ezeli bu maç ebedi delirip amele geri sokarım smaç
I'm sure this match will go crazy forever and I'll put it back to work slam dunk
Delikte dap dar sıvazla başlar spazm, alttan bas vurur aptalsın anla
Dap dar in the hole starts with a pat, spasms, hits the bass from the bottom, you're stupid, understand
Kaptan komedi rapi bırakıp akıcı battle dönelim, flexde paslandık aslan
Captain let's leave the comedy rap and return to the fluent battle, we're rusty in the flexde lion
Bu yolu bi kat edelim hedefi dikili benim ekürim olamaz oda komada terapi
Let's go this way twice, the target is planted, it can't be my wingman, the room is in a coma therapy
Kelime tepelim arı gibi çalışıp ederim yada yarışa girelim ama yenilip çekilin
Let's Decapitate the word, I'll work like a bee or let's get in the race, but get defeated and get out
Tersim pistir girelim piste, yakıt deposuna benim akıl yeter işte
Let's go to the opposite track, let's go to the runway, to the fuel tank, my mind is enough
Kabarıyo listem kaçarak gizlen, takıl ota boka benim hızımıda düşle
My swell list hide by running away, hang out ota shit dream of my speed too
Kadran sanki sinek kanadı, tan tek atış yapmaz direk taradı
The dial is like a fly's wing, tan does not make a single shot, scanned directly
Konsere girişin bilet paralı, rapin maddiyat kokulu dilek tarafı
The ticket of admission to the concert is paid, the materialistic scented wish side of rap
Heycan bas damarıma benim
Your excitement is in my vein to press my
Heyhat yaz kalemide devir
Alas, turn over the summer pen
FLEX MAN prototipi bu deli
The FLEX MAN prototype is crazy
Ter at bu wake up
Sweat it out wake up
Ceyran gibi çarpar adamım
He hits like a gazelle, man
Meydan boş kalmaz hadi bi
The square will not be empty, come on bi
Say wow check check check check deneme deneme 1-2 1-2 mic up
Say wow check check check check trial trial 1-2 1-2 mic up
Heycan bas damarıma benim
Your excitement is in my vein to press my
Heyhat yaz kalemide devir
Alas, turn over the summer pen
FLEX MAN prototipi bu deli
The FLEX MAN prototype is crazy
Ter at bu wake up
Sweat it out wake up
Ceyran gibi çarpar adamım
He hits like a gazelle, man
Meydan boş kalmaz hadi bi
The square will not be empty, come on bi
Say wow check check check check deneme deneme 1-2 1-2 mic up
Say wow check check check check trial trial 1-2 1-2 mic up
Bitime varamaz ikile bu seride köküne satırı sokar okuma topa tutalım
Can't get to the end of the dither inserts the line into the root in this series, let's keep reading the ball
Yukarı bakıp adımı tadarak anar aval adam edip hadi bu vokali dene kopar adamım
Look up and remember my name by tasting it, aval man, and come on, try this vocal, break it off, man
Karada yürüdü gemiler benim ürünüm evine hiphop ölümüne gidelim de sürü gibi gel
Walked on land ships are my product let's go home to hiphop death and come like a herd
Enemy veni vidi vici bide kibir ipi keser ama telepati kuramaz o ter atarım ben
Enemy veni vidi vici bidet arrogance cuts the rope, but he can't telepathize, he sweats, I
Yok firenim ileri vitese takalım averajı yakala bu sınır adını ben koyarım
No fire, let's put it in forward gear, catch the average, I'll name this limit
Azabına kama gibi böğrüne saplanır öğrenir oda bigün flexi yapanı
He will stick in his chest like a wedge to his punishment, he will learn who makes the room flexi big day
Sömürü düzeni biraz övünür üzeri yönümü bulamam ama tabi para güzeli
The exploitation scheme is a little boastful, I can't find my direction on it, but of course money is beautiful
Sebep arama üzerim benim tarama düzenek karada yüzerek çabalamak kötümü güzelim
I'm on the search for a reason, my scanning device, swimming on land, trying to Decoy my bad, my beautiful
Tavırım açık arama deli ve kaçık acımam tramboline götünü veren havada takılır
My attitude is open-Decking crazy and crazy my pity hangs out in the air giving the trampoline its ass
Kralı dolu bu tarafın arafa kadar hacı yarana basarım asıl azalır o takımın
The king is full of this side until purgatory, I press the pilgrim wound, the main thing is that the team
Makata kafanı ban yada git dene bi tahtı salla eyy
Ban your head to the breech or go try shaking the throne Tuesday
Benimi tartıcan yerine git sıçan verimi tat bu farkla
Go instead of weighing me, taste the rat yield with this difference
Otorite kuramadı buraları devirip hep ileri basarım oda geride bi gerinir
He couldn't establish authority, I always knock over here and press forward, the room stretches behind
Etik olamadın nigga yerim o kuramını biz kuralı koyarız evvelide devinim
You couldn't be ethical, nigga, I'll eat that theory, we'll set the rule, I'll move first
Genemi karavana bu paravana para kapan aramıza makinalı çene bile kannabisi
Genemi, even the machine-jaw cannabis that traps money in this front Decoy between us
Yedin eteri buruna kemik eridi çepere delik açarak olacak hiphop un terapisi
You have eaten ether, the bone has melted into the nose, the therapy of hiphop will be by drilling a hole in the wall
Heycan bas damarıma benim
Your excitement is in my vein to press my
Heyhat yaz kalemide devir
Alas, turn over the summer pen
FLEX MAN prototipi bu deli
The FLEX MAN prototype is crazy
Ter at bu wake up
Sweat it out wake up
Ceyran gibi çarpar adamım
He hits like a gazelle, man
Meydan boş kalmaz hadi bi
The square will not be empty, come on bi
Say wow check check check check deneme deneme 1-2 1-2 mic up
Say wow check check check check trial trial 1-2 1-2 mic up
Heycan bas damarıma benim
Your excitement is in my vein to press my
Heyhat yaz kalemide devir
Alas, turn over the summer pen
FLEX MAN prototipi bu deli
The FLEX MAN prototype is crazy
Ter at bu wake up
Sweat it out wake up
Ceyran gibi çarpar adamım
He hits like a gazelle, man
Meydan boş kalmaz hadi bi
The square will not be empty, come on bi
Say wow check check check check deneme deneme 1-2 1-2 mic up
Say wow check check check check trial trial 1-2 1-2 mic up

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