Pavel Stratan - S-o-nsurat Băieții - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pavel Stratan - S-o-nsurat Băieții

S-o-nsurat Băieții
Married boys
S-o-nsurat baietii si au toti sotie,
Boys get married and they all have wives,
Numai uite ca nici unul nu poate s-o tie,
Only look that no one can tie it,
Cum se lasa seara, toate se-nteleg si pleaca,
As night falls, they all get along and leave,
Numai eu nu ma insor. Cum ar fi, mai rabd oleaca!
Only I'm not getting married. Like, bear with me!
Sa vad altii cum se luneca si tund in bara,
To see others slip and trim in the bar,
Numai eu, de bine ce mi-i stau cu fetele pe-afara.
I'm the only one who gets to hang out with the girls.
Da-ntr-o seara, gata: uite, iese Luna!
One night, look, the Moon is coming out!
Il intreb pe tata daca sa ma-nsor cu una
I ask my father if I should marry one
Numai nu stiu fata care vrea s-o iau de sotie,
Only I don't know the girl who wants me to marry her,
Tot atat ii plac de tare, cat si ea imi place mie,
I like her as much as she likes me,
'Sa-tt ajute Domnul, dar asculta-ma pe mine,
'TT help the Lord, but listen to me,
Nu uita ce-ti spune tata, ca eu de-amu am fost ca tine!'
Don't forget what my father tells you, that I was like you!'
Ce-ntelege tata? Nu-ntelege nica!
What does dad understand? Don't get it!
Principalul fata care-mi place 'Da!' sa zica,
The main girl that I like ' Yes!'let's say,
Da' pe urma restul tot se face, bani sa fie
But then everything else is done, money to be
Si putina sanatate macar pentru ani... o mie,
And some health at least for years... a thousand,
Ca mai multe... vrei nu vrei, cu timpul tot apare
Like several... want you don't want, with time it all appears
Cineva de sus se uita si ne da la fiecare.
Someone upstairs is watching and giving us each.
Uite, de exemplu, Zina ce-a avut si are
Look, for example, Zina what she had and has
Are-un metru si jumate numai de picioare,
It has-a meter and a half feet only,
Nu mai zic de buzele care vrei cu buzele sa i le achipui,
Not to mention the lips you want with your lips to achipui,
Nici nu-mi pot inchipui macar cum as putea s'-mi inchipui,
I can't even imagine how I could imagine,
Ori de ochii care-i are mari ca marea si adanca,
Or the eyes that are as big as the sea and deep,
Daca s-o uita la tine, tot mai vreau s' se uite inca.
If he looks at you, I still want him to look at you.
Da' s-o vezi pe Clara, clar ti-i fara de doar si poate,
But you see Clara, it's clear to you without just and maybe,
Poate tot ce poate-o fata si ceva mai poate,
Maybe all she can-a girl and something else can,
Nu stiu ce, dar toti se mira si la toti li-i bine.
I don't know what, but everyone is surprised and everyone is fine.
Mai ales cand stai o noapte, o astepti si ea nu vine,
Especially when you stay one night, you wait for her and she does not come,
Dar si daca vine... nu stiu altii, dar eu pe-o seara
But also if he comes... I don't know others, but I one evening
Pentru fata asta dulce s gata sa muncesc o vara.
For this sweet girl s ready to work a summer.
Valea sta-n vale, da' Lida-n deal traieste
The valley is in the valley, but The Hill is in The Hill
Lealea inca ii mitica, dar degraba creste,
Lealea still mythical, but rather grows,
Ca sa zic ca Nina-i mare, nu zic. Dar oricum ii buna,
To say Nina's big, I'm not saying. But it's good anyway,
Cand ii singura acasa, eu ii sun si ea i-mi suna,
When she's home alone, I call her and she calls me,
Noi de-o vorba fara de vorba dintr-o vorba ne-ntelegem,
We have a word without a word we understand,
Daca-avem de-ales din doua: 'da' si 'nu', noi 'da' alegem.
If we have a choice of two: 'yes 'and' no', we ' Yes ' choose.
Nu mai zic de Raia, iadul ii de mine,
Not to mention Raia, hell of me,
Cand ma uit la dansa, frate, mi se face bine,
When I watch her dance, brother, I feel better,
Mai ales cand se apleaca, vantu-i misca rochiu,
Especially when she bends, the vantu moves her dress,
Eu ma fac ca nu, vad nica, da de-aicea: Valeu ochiu'!
I pretend not, I see nica, yes here: Valeu ochiu'!
Valeu tot ce mi se misca si placut ma doare!
Valeu everything that moves and pleases me hurts!
Doare, dar acusi imi trece, trece, s-apoi iar ma doare! .
It hurts, but now it passes, it passes, and then it hurts again! .
Dar mai tare, cel mai tare-mi place de Marica,
But the coolest, the coolest I like Marica,
Are una piesso importanto - ju-ca-ri-ca
Has one piesso importanto-ju-ca-ri-ca
Numai ca te joci cu jucarica dupa ce se strica,
Only you play with the toy after it breaks,
Iaca, asta inteleg si eu jucarica
Here, that's what I understand
Dar pe urma fugi, ca daca te prinde tata lui Marica,
But then you run, like if Marica's dad catches you,
Ori te-nsoara cu dansa, ori iti rupe si tie jucarica .
He'll either marry you to dance, or he'll break your toy .
Da' eu is slab de fire cand ma uit la fete,
But I'm weak when I look at girls,
Ori ma duc la manastire, ori ma-nsor cu tate,
Either I go to the monastery or I marry tate,
Da si daca-i drept ca-n viata omul are numai o viata,
Yes and if it is right that in life man has only one life,
Apoi cred ca manastirea ii pe-al doilea loc din fata,
Then I think the monastery is second in front,
Dar pe primul loc ramane asa cum trebu' si ramane
But in the first place it remains as it should and remains
Ma insor acum oleaca, dar oleaca las pe maine...
I'm getting married now, but I'm leaving it until tomorrow...

Writer(s): Pavel Stratan

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