Pedro Aznar - Dicen Que Dicen - En Vivo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pedro Aznar - Dicen Que Dicen - En Vivo

Dicen Que Dicen - En Vivo
They Say, They Say - Live
Dicen que dicen, andan diciendo
They say, they say, they go around saying
Tantas palabras que dicen mal
So many words that speak ill
Como un eclipse se van comiendo
Like an eclipse, they devour
La verdad
The truth
Libre es un pueblo cuando hay futuro
A people are free when there's a future
Y hay sueños más que conformidad
And there are dreams more than conformity
Libres no es perdidos por el mundo
Free are not those lost in the world
Se llama imperio en el mundo antiguo
They called it empire in the ancient world
Le dicen, hoy, globalización
Today, they call it globalization
La democracia es de peces chicos
Democracy is for small fish
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Cuando soñamos un mundo unido
When we dreamt of a united world
No imaginamos esta prisión
We didn't imagine this prison
Con 10 mil ojos guapando el nido
With 10 thousand eyes guarding the nest
De un halcón
Of a hawk
El fuego es fuego de donde venga
Fire is fire wherever it comes from
Guerra no es paz, ni el infierno Edén
War is not peace, nor is hell Eden
No habrá justicia si usa la venda
There will be no justice if it uses the blindfold
Según quién
Depending on who
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen mal
They say bad things
Hoy las palabras confunden todo
Today words confuse everything
Muestran 50 y esconden 100
They show 50 and hide 100
Tanto poder en manos de pocos
So much power in the hands of so few
No está bien
It's not right
Tiempo es dinero y dinero es todo
Time is money and money is everything
Todo a algún precio y ningún valor
Everything has a price and no value
El hombre es tiempo y brotó del lodo
Man is time and sprouted from mud
Por amor
For love
Dicen que dicen andan diciendo
They say, they say, they go around saying
Tantas palabras que dicen mal
So many words that speak ill
Como un eclipse se van comiendo
Like an eclipse, they devour
La verdad
The truth
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen que dicen, dicen que dicen
They say, they say, they say, they say
Dicen que dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen mal
They say bad things
Dicen mal
They say bad things
(Que dicen, que dicen, que dicen)
(They say, they say, they say)
(Que dicen, que dicen, que dicen)
(They say, they say, they say)
(Que dicen, que dicen, que dicen)
(They say, they say, they say)
(Que dicen, que dicen, que dicen)
(They say, they say, they say)
Dicen mal
They say bad things
La Chilinga, señoras y señores
La Chilinga, ladies and gentlemen
Bueno, les comentaba que este lugar, El Ateneo
Well, I was telling you that this place, El Ateneo,
Tiene una especial significación emocional para
Has a special emotional significance for me,
Y lo cuento porque hace 27 años tocamos
And I tell you because 27 years ago we played
Con dos queridísimos amigos y músicos maravillosos
With two dearest friends and wonderful musicians
En este mismo lugar y fue la última vez que tocamos juntos
In this very place, and it was the last time we played together
Bajo el nombre del grupo que nos nucleba
Under the name of the group that brought us together
Para es un honor enorme y una emoción muy poderosa
It is a great honor and a very powerful emotion for me
De invitar a los dos miembros de Madre Atómica
To invite the two members of Madre Atómica
El Mono Fontana y Lito Epumer
El Mono Fontana and Lito Epumer

Writer(s): Pedro Aznar

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