Pepet I Marieta - Sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pepet I Marieta - Sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit

Sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit
There is always a patch for a torn piece
Ell era un ionqui militant del Real Madrid
He was a junkie militant of Real Madrid
Ella una punk culer guàrdia civil
She was a punk culer civil guard
Ell volia cavall ella'l conseguia guai
He wanted a horse, she would get it for him
I es que Sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit
And there is always a patch for a torn piece
Ell era un pijo progre de Sarrià
He was a progressive pijo from Sarrià
Ella una neonazi del Raval
She was a neo-Nazi from Raval
Ell volia el seu cor
He wanted her heart
Ella l'illa del tresor
She wanted the treasure island
I es que sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit
And there is always a patch for a torn piece
Així que xaval no t'has d'agobiar mai
So boy, you should never worry
Si no te fots nil rosco de nadal
If you don't get a Christmas sausage
Perquè estem al món pa que hi hagué de tot
Because we are in the world so that there is everything
I no pa vestir sants i sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit
And not to dress saints and there is always a patch for a torn piece
Ell era un músic de carrer sense CD
He was a street musician without a CD
L'atre un sort en meu de Luis Miguel
The other one a lucky one from Luis Miguel
Un volia dinar, l'altre algú pa cantar
One wanted to eat, the other someone to sing for
I ella era una minera claustrofògica
And she was a claustrophobic miner
L'atra una aviadora agorofòbica
The other an agoraphobic aviator
Quan feen l'acte sexual
When they made love
Les pillaven a un portal
They were caught in a doorway
I es que sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit
And there is always a patch for a torn piece
Així que xaval no t'has d'estressar mai
So boy, you should never stress out
Si no te fots un rosco ni pagant
If you don't get a scroll even by paying
Perquè estem al món pa que hi hagué de tot
Because we are in the world so that there is everything
I no pa vestir sants i sempre hi ha un pedaç pa un descosit
And not to dress saints and there is always a patch for a torn piece

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