Peter Lipa - Rozum - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Peter Lipa - Rozum

Zbožňujem tvoje stehná
I adore your thighs
Zvlášť keď si neposedná
Especially when you're restless
A tvoje lýtka plné
And your calves are full
Pri neúplnom splne
Under a waning moon
O tvoje plné lýtka
For your full calves
Nejedna bola bitka
Many a battle has been fought
Nestrácal som však nádej
But I never lost hope
A stál som na ne v rade
And I stood in line for them
A keby som šiel vyššie
And if I went higher
O rozum by som prišiel
I would lose my mind
Tak radšej nižšie ostal som
So I stayed down below
A čo teraz z rozumom
And what to do with reason
Často sa tvárim smelo
I often pretend to be brave
Ale keď tvoje telo
But when your body
Po erotickej dráhe
On an erotic path
Prichádza ku mne celkom nahé
Comes to me completely naked
Vždy sa ma zmocní ostych
I always get shy
Z dôvodov celkom prostých
For very simple reasons
totiž neviem čo s tým
Because I don't know what to do with it anymore
A zbytočne sa zlostím
And I'm angry for nothing
Zbožňujem tvoje stehná
I adore your thighs
Zvlášť keď si neposedná
Especially when you're restless
Pôsobíš ako monzún
You're like a monsoon
A mne zastane rozum
And my mind is blown
Často sa tvárim smelo
I often pretend to be brave
Ale keď tvoje telo
But when your body
Po erotickej dráhe
On an erotic path
Prichádza ku mne celkom nahé
Comes to me completely naked
Často sa tvárim smelo
I often pretend to be brave
Ale keď tvoje telo
But when your body
Po erotickej dráhe
On an erotic path
Prichádza ku mne celkom nahé
Comes to me completely naked

Writer(s): Milan Lasica, Oskar Rózsa, Peter Lipa

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