Pierre Perret - Le bonheur conjugal - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pierre Perret - Le bonheur conjugal

Le bonheur conjugal
Marital Bliss
On s′est connus
We met,
Au restaurant du tors-boyaux
At the "Twisted Gut" restaurant
C'est des frissons plein la peau
Chills ran down my skin,
Qu′on est r'venus
When we came back.
Moi j'ai pens?
I thought,
Qu′entre la chaleur de son corps
That between the heat of her body
Et la chaleur de mon corps
And the heat of my body,
? A pourrait chauffer
We could warm up.
Jusque l? rien d′anormal
Nothing unusual so far,
Nul ne le contestera
No one will dispute that
Le bonheur conjugal
Marital bliss
Nous tendait les bras
Was just around the corner.
On s'? tait dit
We had told ourselves
Qu′entre ses parents hyst? riques
That between her hysterical parents
Et mes parents alcooliques
And my alcoholic parents,
? A pourrait coller
We could stick together.
On a pens?
We thought
Que sa frangine sortant d'une maison
That her sister, fresh out of rehab,
Et mon p′tit fr? re de prison
And my little brother, out of prison,
? A pouvait gazer
Could make it work.
{Au Refrain}
Je me r? jouis
I reveled
Son parfum d'ail me plut autant
Her garlic perfume pleased me as much
Que la couleur de ses dents
As the color of her teeth,
Un peu vert-de-gris
A little verdigris.
Son teint blafard
Her sallow complexion
Etait pour s? r un don des cieux
Was surely a gift from heaven,
Ainsi que ses yeux chassieux
As were her rheumy eyes.
Pas besoin de fard
No need for makeup.
{Au Refrain}
Or les copains
But my friends,
S? rement jaloux que j′ai eu du flair
Surely jealous that I had good taste,
Ont pr? tendu que son fr? re
Claimed that her brother
Me refusait sa main
Refused to give me her hand.
Mais halte-l?
But stop right there.
Ne nous laissons point abuser
Let's not be fooled.
Y pouvait pas me la refuser
He couldn't refuse me her hand
Elle n'en avait pas
Because she didn't have one.
{Au Refrain}
Comble de joie
Elle avait une jambe de bois
She had a wooden leg
Du c? t? gauche par bonheur
Fortunately on the left side
Moi du c? t? droit
I on the right.
J'? tais joyeux
I was delighted.
Sa famille n′avait pas de maison
Her family didn't have a house.
La mienne couchait sous les ponts
Mine slept under bridges.
C′? tait merveilleux
It was wonderful.
{Au Refrain}
Seulement voil?
But the only thing was,
Elle faisait des fautes de fran? ais
She made some really bad grammar mistakes.
Personnellement? a me g? nait
Personally, it bothered me,
J'ai le certificat
I have my diploma.
Pour comble un jour
And to top it all off,
Dans une conversation d′amour
One day in a love conversation,
Elle me sortit tout de go
She blurted out,
J'aime les z′haricots
I love carrots.
{Au Refrain}
C'? tait vraiment pas normal
This really wasn't normal,
Nul ne le contestera
No one will dispute that.
Et ce trou c? r? bral
And that mental gap
Venait me couper les bras
Was killing me.
J′ai rompu mes fian? ailles
I broke off our engagement.
Mais le remords me tenaille
But remorse gnaws at me,
Car pour moi l'id? al
Because for me, the ideal
C'est le bonheur conjugal
Is marital bliss.

Writer(s): Pierre Perret, Jean-jacques Robert

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