Pil C - Teriyaki - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pil C - Teriyaki

Balím si duffle bag, kričím: "Hoe, urob drep",
I'm packing my duffle bag, screaming: "Hoe, do a squat",
bitch je hore bez, vlastne aj dole bez,
That bitch is topless, actually bottomless,
Tečie z jej pery jed, na sebe snapback,
Venom dripping from her lips, she's wearing a snapback,
Môj život je môj rap, kričia mi: "Daj mi päť!"
My life is my rap, they shout: "Gimme five!"
Vonku som celý deň, v noci spím v triku Bape,
I'm out all day, sleeping in a Bape jersey at night,
Beloch - som Man in black, blysknem a zabudneš,
White man - I'm Man in Black, I'll flash and you'll forget,
Flausím jak prezident, dávam ten kredit jej
I'm swaggering like a president, I give her the credit
A predsa točí sa, kričím jak Galilei. (Galilei.)
And yet it keeps spinning, I'm screaming like Galileo. (Galileo.)
A bitch zviera pod pazuchou tyč jak teplomer,
And that bitch is holding a stick under her armpit like a thermometer,
Fľaše dopite, dávam si proti-jed,
The bottles are empty, I'm taking an antidote,
A nikdy ten shit nebol modrý ako Breaking Bad,
And that shit was never blue like Breaking Bad,
Ten shit bol ružový a pili sme to všetci že?!
That shit was pink and we all drank it, didn't we?!
A potom v klube cvakali zubami - Walking Dead
And then in the club they were chattering their teeth - Walking Dead
A všetky baby sa cítili ako vo filme,
And all the chicks felt like they were in a movie,
Odídem s najkrajšou - kľudne sa stav o liter,
I'll leave with the most beautiful one - you can bet a liter,
Osud nám rozhodil tie karty ako Solitaire.
Fate dealt us those cards like Solitaire.
Poznám tie bistrá, dávam si len Teriyaki
I know those bistros, I only eat Teriyaki
A tvoja bystrá hoe mi dáva pery na dick,
And your smart hoe gives me head on my dick,
Prídem do klubu pozývajú ma hneď na drink,
I arrive at the club and they invite me for a drink right away,
Vystúpim z auta, hneď cítim ten zápach vagín.
I get out of the car and I can smell that pussy stench.
hoe to balí sama, na nohách obuté Balenciaga,
That hoe wraps it up herself, Balenciaga on her feet,
bitch ma balí sama, toto je Bratislava,
That bitch wraps it up herself, this is Bratislava,
Ona to stále hľadá, zbytočne nerozpráva,
She's still looking for it, don't talk in vain,
A to dievča neotáľa a ja nemôžem spávať.
And that girl doesn't hesitate and I can't sleep.
Ona teče jak láva, idem spať keď ty vstávaš,
She flows like lava, I go to sleep when you wake up,
Za to nemôže káva, za to môže ten Arab
It's not because of the coffee, it's because of that Arab
A ty prestaň tárať a prepáč za to
And you stop talking nonsense and sorry for that
že jebac chce se mnu tvoja stára.
that your old lady wants to fuck me.
Ja modlím sa tam za vás, (za vás)
I pray for you (for you)
Otče náš a Zdravas, (Zdravas)
Our Father and Hail Mary (Hail Mary)
A nemyslím aby sa a kokot čo sa staráš,
And don't think that you're a dick who cares
Počul si Ja versus celý svet, (určite si počul...)
You've heard Me versus the whole world (you've definitely heard it...)
Vystrieľal som Vás jak Baba Yaga, nová,
I shot you like Baba Yaga, new,
Mama, hip-hop berie aj dáva,
Mama, hip-hop takes and gives,
No teraz viacej dáva, niekedy ja nezvládam,
But now it gives more, sometimes I can't handle it,
Tie krátke noci ale dlhé rána.
Those short nights but long mornings.
Spievam si ula-lala,
I'm singing ula-lala,
V tom mori dávno plávam,
I've been swimming in that sea for a long time,
Ty si len žalobaba, -
You're just a crybaby, -
Poznám tie bistrá, dávam si len Teriyaki
I know those bistros, I only eat Teriyaki
A tvoja bystrá hoe mi dáva pery na dick,
And your smart hoe gives me head on my dick,
Prídem do klubu pozývajú ma hneď na drink,
I arrive at the club and they invite me for a drink right away,
Vystúpim z auta, hneď cítim ten zápach vagín
I get out of the car and I can smell that pussy stench

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