Pil C feat. Alan Murin - CARA MIA - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pil C feat. Alan Murin - CARA MIA

Výdych nádych výdych nádych
Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale
Sedíme v Toskánsku spolu pod píniami
We're sitting together in Tuscany under the pines
Pusy jej dávam celý rok a nie len v máji
I give her kisses all year round, not just in May
Valentín je pre nás každý jeden deň v kalendári
Valentine's Day for us is every single day on the calendar
A Vianoce vždy spolu keď sme sami
And Christmas always together when we're alone
Mame spolu plány
We have plans together
Zoznam miest kam chceme ísť
A list of places we want to go
Zdielaný medzi poznámkami
Shared between notes
Galapágy a Bahamy
Galapagos and the Bahamas
Kilimandžaro a transibírska magistrála kým sme mladí
Kilimanjaro and the Trans-Siberian Railway while we're young
Teda kým si mladá
Well, while you're young
Ta sukňa je na tebe vyzývavá
That skirt is provocative on you
Odkedy sme spolu tak deju sa nám čudné veci,
Since we've been together, strange things have been happening to us,
Jak keby nás prekliala ježibaba
As if a witch had cursed us
Boh na nás pozor dáva
God is watching over us
Sedím pod píniami
I'm sitting under the pines
Všade kam pozreš všade vinohrady
Everywhere you look, there are vineyards
Na ďalšiu flašu sme odhodlaní
We're ready for the next bottle
Cez okno preniká do izby vôňa pokosenej trávy
The scent of freshly cut grass penetrates the room through the window
Postavím pre nás archu keď oni pôjdu s potopami
I will build an ark for us when they come with the floods
Na strope drevené trámy miestnosť je malá
There are wooden beams on the ceiling, the room is small
Nejak v nej chyba vzduch asi sme ho vydýchali
Somehow it lacks air, I guess we breathed it all out
ževraj to len fámy, ževraj som z teba puf,
They say it's just rumors, they say I'm smitten with you,
Izba vonia láskou sa rozhádzala kým sme spali hmmm
The room smells of love, it scattered while we were sleeping hmmm
život čo vedieme je vyzývavý
The life we lead is provocative
(It is)
Preto ho nezdielame s nikým iba medzi nami
That's why we don't share it with anyone, it's just between us
Toľko lásky tečie dole prúdom vodopády
So much love flows downstream, waterfalls
Riediš mi nenávisť v cievach si môj fraxiparin
You dilute the hatred in my veins, you're my Fraxiparine
Dávaj pozor nech nepríde embólia
Be careful not to get an embolism
So mnou robíš to, čo s inými si nerobila
With me, you do things you didn't do with others
Diferenciovala si moje srdce
You differentiated my heart
spávam dobre, dáva na mňa pozor Cara Mia
I sleep well now, Cara Mia is watching over me
Ty žiariš zďaleka viac ako hviezdy
You shine far brighter than the stars
A v tom svetle si nádherná
And in that light you are beautiful
Tak prosím dávaj na mňa pozor moja
So please watch over me my
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Si anjel aj keď čertom vieš byť
You are an angel even though you can be a devil
Chrbát mi vždy kryje bejby
My back is always covered baby
Back to back iba ja a moja
Back to back, just me and my
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Vedľa nás je z terakoty stará vila
Next to us is an old terracotta villa
Vedľa sedi Ugro a moja Cara Mia
Ugro and my Cara Mia are sitting next door
Ak vo víne je pravda ty si môj pohár vína
If there is truth in wine, you are my glass of wine
Píšem tracky pre teba, nepíšem tracky pre rádia
I write tracks for you, I don't write tracks for the radio
Si tak hot, že si myslím, že si prišla priamo z pekla
You're so hot, I think you came straight from hell
Prosecco na raňajky
Prosecco for breakfast
šampanské na obed
Champagne for lunch
A na večeru PET-NAT
And PET-NAT for dinner
Nejem cely deň ja
I don't eat all day
Keď sme spolu hodujeme
When we're together we feast
Stoly sa prehýbajú pod váhou jedla
Tables are bending under the weight of food
Chianti 1986 a 1998 dávam do archívu
Chianti 1986 and 1998 I put in the archive
Zlato daj mi chvílu
Honey, give me a moment
Alebo radšej dávaj na mňa pozor
Or rather, watch over me
Včera si nedávala zlomil som si nohu, ako pôjdem domov
Yesterday you weren't paying attention, I broke my leg, how will I get home
Vraví mi, že Luki napíš rap
She tells me, Luki write a rap
Rovno napíš hneď
Write it right away
Kludne teraz pri víne
Relax now, with wine
Vedľa dymí big green egg
Next to the smoking Big Green Egg
Nevieme čo bude zajtra, hlavne, že sa dneska lúbime
We don't know what tomorrow will bring, the main thing is that we love each other today
Ty žiariš zďaleka viac ako hviezdy
You shine far brighter than the stars
A v tom svetle si nádherná
And in that light you are beautiful
Tak prosím dávaj na mňa pozor moja
So please watch over me my
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Si anjel aj keď čertom vieš byť
You are an angel even though you can be a devil
Chrbát mi vždy kryje bejby
My back is always covered baby
Back to back iba ja a moja
Back to back, just me and my
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Cara Mia Mia Mia
Cara Mia Mia
Cara Mia Mia
Cara Mia
Cara Mia

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