Pirat's Sound Sistema - Bombes - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Pirat's Sound Sistema - Bombes

Bombes, son les que maten la meva gent,
Bombs, are what kill my people,
Bombes, una bomba no és mai intel•ligent,
Bombs, a bomb is never intelligent,
Bombes, que mai no respecten pobles innocents.
Bombs, that never respect innocent peoples.
Bombes, bombes, bombes
Bombs, bombs, bombs
Bombes, son les que maten la meva gent,
Bombs, are what kill my people,
Bombes, una bomba no és mai intel•ligent,
Bombs, a bomb is never intelligent,
Bombes, que mai no respecten pobles innocents.
Bombs, that never respect innocent peoples.
Bombes, bombes, bombes
Bombs, bombs, bombs
I una criatura espantada corre pel carrer,
And a frightened creature runs through the street,
I el soroll de sirenes recorda el bombarder,
And the noise of sirens remembers the bomber,
Hi estarà a temps o li arriba el moment?
Will he be in time or will his moment come?
Del que no hi ha cap dubte és que es tracta d'un altre innocent.
There is no doubt that this is another innocent.
En nom de justícia masacreu pobles sencers,
In the name of justice, you massacre entire peoples,
Importar democràcia apuntada que no, no serveix de res.
Importing democracy pointed out that no, it is not good for anything.
Justícia infinita és parar-vos els peus,
Infinite justice is to stop you,
Maten a la gent i tu no ho veus!
They kill people and you don't see!
Estats genocides
Genocidal states
Que ens envieu a guerres maleïdes
That send us to cursed wars
I escribiu titulars fets a mida
And write custom-made headlines
En reconeguda premsa que intimida cada dia les oides.
In recognized press that intimidates the ears every day.
Estats genocides
Genocidal states
Que ens envieu a guerres maleïdes
That send us to cursed wars
I escribiu titulars fets a mida
And write custom-made headlines
En reconeguda premsa que intimida cada dia les oides.
In recognized press that intimidates the ears every day.
Bombes, son les que maten la meva gent,
Bombs, are what kill my people,
Bombes, una bomba no és mai intel•ligent,
Bombs, a bomb is never intelligent,
Bombes, que mai no respecten pobles innocents.
Bombs, that never respect innocent peoples.
Bombes, bombes, bombes
Bombs, bombs, bombs
Bombes, son les que maten la meva gent,
Bombs, are what kill my people,
Bombes, una bomba no és mai intel•ligent,
Bombs, a bomb is never intelligent,
Bombes, que mai no respecten pobles innocents.
Bombs, that never respect innocent peoples.
Bombes, bombes, bombes
Bombs, bombs, bombs
I l'amo del terror viu a la casa blanca,
And the master of terror lives in the white house,
Neofeixista altre catòlic tu si que ets un terrorista
Neo-fascist other Catholic you are a terrorist
El negoci de la guerra és el negoci del mercat
The business of war is the business of the market
On els amos del món guanyen pasta en assassinats.
Where the masters of the world make money from assassinations.
I aqui sembra l'odi, i aqui en aquest llibre
And here he sows hatred, and here in this book
Posen els morts de l'episodi,
They put the dead of the episode,
Hi ha qui roba el petroli
There are those who steal oil
I hi ha qui s'enfornta amb pedres contra "milicos" i polis,
And there are those who confront with stones against "soldiers" and cops,
I jo dic Bombes, es el negoci de la guerra,
And I say Bombs, is the business of war,
I jo dic Bombes, i és el negoci del mercat,
And I say Bombs, and it is the business of the market,
Bombes, i és el negoci de la guerra,
Bombs, and it is the business of war,
Les barres i estrelles tacades estan de sang.
The stars and bars are stained with blood.
Bombes, son les que maten la meva gent,
Bombs, are what kill my people,
Bombes, una bomba no és mai intelligent,
Bombs, a bomb is never intelligent,
Bombes, que mai no respecten pobles innocents.
Bombs, that never respect innocent peoples.

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