Porta - Tras tus gafas de sol - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Porta - Tras tus gafas de sol

Tras tus gafas de sol
Behind Your Sunglasses
Eh eh ¿Quée llevas ahí? ¿Qué coño es eso?
Hey, you, what are you wearing there? What the hell is that?
¿Qué ocultas tras de esas gafas tan feas?
What are you hiding behind those ugly glasses?
Que te las quites tronco, por Dios
Take them off, man, for God's sake.
Pero que te las quites que las lleva todo el mundo ahora
Come on, take them off, everyone's wearing them now.
No te das cuenta Eres un puto falso
Don't you realize you're a damn fake?
¿Qué intentas vender? ¿intentas vender mierda? ¿aire?
What are you trying to sell? Shit? Air?
Todo es una porquería eres un falso mira
Everything is crap, you're a phony, look.
Hoy todos los raperos llevan puestas sus gafas de sol
Today all rappers wear their sunglasses
Que solo le sirven para ocultar su falsa apariencia
That only serve to hide their false appearance
La esencia se muere el hip hop no
The essence is dying, hip hop is not
Pero el rap está de moda y seguirás a raja tabla su tendencia
But rap is trendy, and you'll follow its trends to a T.
Algo falla todos se venden como reales
Something's wrong, everyone sells themselves as real
Luego cantan estribillo a con autotune pues vale
Then they sing choruses with autotune, alright then.
Las cosas caen por su propio peso
Things fall by their own weight
Digo precio no te vendes claro porque nadie te quiere so necio
I mean price, you don't sell out, of course, because nobody wants you, you fool.
Así que MC si tan solo te mientes a ti mismo
So MC, if you're only lying to yourself
Y ahí es cuando pierde credibilidad tu realismo
That's when your realism loses credibility
La mierda empieza a oler ya se ve con claridad aja
The shit starts to smell, it's clear to see, aha
Te sobra flow dices pero te falta humildad
You have plenty of flow, you say, but you lack humility
Hablas del barrio del rap del hardcore del parque
You talk about the neighborhood, rap, hardcore, the park
De bloques y que has sido narco para pagar tu arte
About blocks and how you've been a narco to pay for your art
Todos con la misma mierda el problema ya se ve
Everyone with the same crap, the problem is obvious
El que es real no te intenta convencer de que lo es
The one who's real doesn't try to convince you they are
Y ese es el problema vives una falsa vida
And that's the problem, you live a fake life
No tienes saldo pa llamar solo para perdidas
You don't have the balance to call, only for missed calls
Vienes de la calle claro de echar unos frees
You come from the streets, of course, from throwing some freestyles
¿Cuánto daño han hecho las batallas de gallos aquí?
How much damage have rooster battles done here?
Hoy todos son MC's o todos quieren serlo
Today everyone is an MC, or everyone wants to be one
No es fácil vivir de esto tienes que valerlo
It's not easy to make a living from this, you have to be worth it
Man ven siéntelo no lo digas
Man, come on, feel it, don't just say it
Solo para tener a tu séquito lamiéndotelo
Just to have your entourage licking it up
Ya no saben ir sin gafas de sol
They don't know how to go without sunglasses anymore
Adiós a la esencia del hip hop
Goodbye to the essence of hip hop
nunca serás el mejor
You, you'll never be the best
No sabes el motivo pero criticas el pop
You don't know why, but you criticize pop
Ya no saben ir sin gafas de sol
They don't know how to go without sunglasses anymore
Adiós a la esencia del hip hop
Goodbye to the essence of hip hop
nunca serás el mejor
You, you'll never be the best
No sabes el motivo pero criticas el pop
You don't know why, but you criticize pop
sigues una moda, una moda que tu criticas eres real
You follow a trend, a trend that you criticize, you're real
Ya lo no hace falta que te repitas
I know, you don't need to repeat yourself
En tu vídeo enseña el barrio que se vea que eres duro
In your video, show the neighborhood, let it be seen that you're tough
Te tengo cálao a ti el tiempo te pondrá en tu lugar seguro
I've got you figured out, time will put you in your place, for sure
Purista extremista de mierda hablas de esencias
You shitty purist extremist, you talk about essences
Normal que los grandes la pierdan con gente como tu dando por culo
No wonder the greats lose it with people like you around
El respeto te lo pasas por el forro lara lara larara
Respect goes out the window, lara lara larara
El rap de antes molaba y os explicare por qué
The rap from before was cool, and I'll explain why
No llevaban esas gafas que ahora esconde al mc
They didn't wear those glasses that now hide the MC
Tal y como es enserio ya no teme a tus criticas
Just as he is, seriously, he's not afraid of your criticism anymore
Porque ahora todas las críticas son criterio
Because now all criticism is criteria
Como ha cambiado todo en este nuestro R. A. P.
How everything has changed in this R. A. P. of ours
Al grande se le perdona ahora hasta si vota pp
The great one is forgiven now even if he votes PP
El público te bendice underground en estado puro
The audience blesses you, you're pure underground
Ni mismo te crees lo que dices y yo sigo dando caña
You don't even believe what you say, and I keep giving it my all
Cualquier mc que lo diga o que lo piense
Any MC who says it or thinks it
No puede ser el mejor de España quieren éxito no fama
Can't be the best in Spain, they want success, not fame
Por supuesto pero siendo sincero ambas son sinónimos de dinero
Of course, but being honest, both are synonyms for money
Y ser real ante los rapers el marketing perfecto
And being real in front of rappers is the perfect marketing
Se la suda la pasta que te sacan tus directos
They don't give a damn about the money your shows make
Hipócritas no se venden a sellos porque si no se venden
Hypocrites don't sell out to labels because if they don't sell out
Cien mil copias no se llevan casi nada ellos
They hardly get anything from a hundred thousand copies
Daos cuenta os están estafando las mentiras no dejan de serlo
Realize they're ripping you off, lies don't stop being lies
Aunque se digan rapeando putos falsos
Even if they're said while rapping, damn fakers
Delante vuestro adoran a sus fans
In front of you, they adore their fans
Pero por detrás se ríen de tu cara aunque les des su pan
But behind your back, they laugh in your face even if you give them their bread
Estas obsesionado con tu autenticidad tonto
You're obsessed with your authenticity, fool
Porque sabes que lo que dices no es verdad
Because you know what you're saying isn't true
Pronto se darán cuentan que inventas que tienes mil ofertas
Soon they'll realize you're making up that you have a thousand offers
Y por eso sueltan mi culo no está en venta
And that's why they say my ass isn't for sale
Ya no saben ir sin gafas de sol
They don't know how to go without sunglasses anymore
Adiós a la esencia del hip hop
Goodbye to the essence of hip hop
nunca serás el mejor
You, you'll never be the best
No sabes el motivo pero criticas el pop
You don't know why, but you criticize pop
Ya no saben ir sin gafas de sol
They don't know how to go without sunglasses anymore
Adiós a la esencia del hip hop
Goodbye to the essence of hip hop
nunca serás el mejor
You, you'll never be the best
No sabes el motivo pero criticas el pop
You don't know why, but you criticize pop
No tienes criterio pero ir de crítico es moda
You have no criteria, but playing critic is trendy
Y que les jodan pues su personalidad no da pa'más
And screw them, because their personality doesn't go any further
No es broma aquí en Barcelona ocurre
It's no joke, it happens here in Barcelona
Quizás porque se aburren no es por lo que no serán jamás
Maybe because they're bored, it's not because of what they'll never be
Eso les corroe corre busca quién empieza a ser más conocido que
That eats away at them, run, find someone who starts to be more famous than you
Y hazle un linchamiento público y cuélgalo ya en YouTube
And make a public lynching and hang him on YouTube
Que se vea tu actitud sin razonamiento alguno
Let your attitude be seen without any reasoning
Ten al séquito contigo así te sentirás seguro
Keep the entourage with you, that way you'll feel safe
Y si los demás te siguen y si los demás te siguen
And if others follow you, you, and if others follow you
Te tocará ser anti fan y abuchear a Justin bieber por ejemplo
You'll have to be an anti-fan and boo Justin Bieber, for example
Qué asco de personas sois si al b'boy que acaba de empezar
What disgusting people you are, if the b-boy who just started
Ya tardáis en llamarle toy y así crece el movimiento a paso de gigante
You're already calling him a toy, and that's how the movement grows by leaps and bounds
La lacra no son ellos si no el ignorante no es broma borrego
The scourge is not them, but you, the ignorant one, it's no joke, sheep
Innova o muere tienes que pensar igual que con los que te mueves
Innovate or die, you have to think the same as those you move with
Dices no a las gorras planas no a temas de amor
You say no to flat caps, no to love songs
El rap no es lo que te pones ni solo temas hadrcore
Rap is not what you wear, nor just hardcore songs
Colabos van por fama hoy por interés b'boy
Collaborations are for fame today, for interest, b-boy
Yo sigo siéndome fiel siempre me mostré como soy
I remain true to myself, I've always shown myself as I am
Desde principio quiza me tire al precipicio
From the beginning, maybe I threw myself off the cliff
Sin embargo ahora solo mira donde estoy
However, now just look where I am
Ya no saben ir sin gafas de sol
They don't know how to go without sunglasses anymore
Adiós a la esencia del hip hop
Goodbye to the essence of hip hop
nunca serás el mejor
You, you'll never be the best
No sabes el motivo pero criticas el pop
You don't know why, but you criticize pop
Ya no saben ir sin gafas de sol
They don't know how to go without sunglasses anymore
Adiós a la esencia del hip hop
Goodbye to the essence of hip hop
nunca serás el mejor
You, you'll never be the best
No sabes el motivo pero criticas el pop
You don't know why, but you criticize pop

Writer(s): Mike Skinner, Oriol Prieto Sanchez, Cristian Jimenez Bundo

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