Procol Harum - A Salty Dog (Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Procol Harum - A Salty Dog (Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975)

A Salty Dog (Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975)
Солёный пёс (Живое выступление в театре «Капитол», Нью-Джерси, 1975)
"All hands on deck, we've run afloat", I heard the captain cry
"Вся команда на палубу, мы сели на мель!" услышал я крик капитана,
"Explore the ship, replace the cook, let no one leave alive"
"Обыщите корабль, смените кока, никого не оставляйте в живых!"
Across the straits, around the horn, how far can sailors fly?
Через проливы, вокруг мыса Горн, как далеко могут залететь моряки?
A twisted path, our tortured course
Извилистый путь, наш мучительный курс,
And no one left alive
И никого не осталось в живых.
We sailed for parts unknown to man
Мы плыли к местам, неведомым человеку,
Where ships come home to die
Туда, где корабли возвращаются умирать.
No lofty peak nor fortress bold could match our captain's eye
Ни высокая вершина, ни крепкая крепость не могли сравниться с глазом нашего капитана.
Upon the seventh seasick day we made our port of call
На седьмой день морской болезни мы достигли нашего порта,
A sand so white and sea so blue
Песок такой белый, а море такое голубое,
No mortal place at all
Вовсе не земное место.
We fired the gun, and burnt the mast
Мы выстрелили из пушки, сожгли мачту
And rowed from ship to shore
И гребли от корабля к берегу.
The captain cried, we sailors wept
Капитан плакал, мы, матросы, рыдали,
Our tears were tears of joy
Наши слезы были слезами радости.
Now, many moons and many Junes have passed since we made land
Теперь много лун и много июней прошло с тех пор, как мы высадились,
A salty dog, this seaman's log
Солёный пёс, этот судовой журнал,
Your witness my own hand
Свидетельствует моя собственная рука.

Procol Harum - Procol's Ninth Remastered & Expanded
Procol's Ninth Remastered & Expanded
date of release

1 Without a Doubt (2018 Remaster)
2 Fool's Gold (Raw Track / Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster)
3 Taking the Time (2018 Remaster)
4 Typewriter Torment (Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster)
5 As Strong as Samson (Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975)
6 Whaling Stories (Live at Leicester University, 1975)
7 Conquistador (Live at Leicester University, 1975)
8 Pandora's Box (2018 Remaster)
9 Pandora's Box (Raw Instrumental Track / Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster)
10 Pandora's Box (Live at Leicester University, 1975)
11 The Piper's Tune (2018 Remaster)
12 The Piper's Tune - Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster
13 The Piper's Tune - Live at Leicester University, 1975
14 Grand Hotel (Including 'The Blue Danube') - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
15 Grand Hotel - Live at Leicester University, 1975
16 Beyond the Pale (Live at Leicester University, 1975)
17 A Salty Dog (Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975)
18 A Salty Dog - Live at Leicester University, 1975
19 A Whiter Shade of Pale (Live at Leicester University, 1975)
20 The Blue Danube - Live at Leicester University, 1975
21 Be Bop-a-Lula - Live at Leicester University, 1975
22 Old Black Joe - Live at Leicester University, 1975
23 The Poet - Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster
24 Taking the Time (Raw Track / Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster)
25 The Final Thrust (2018 Remaster)
26 The Final Thrust - Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster
27 Typewriter Torment (2018 Remaster)
28 The Unquiet Zone (2018 Remaster)
29 The Unquiet Zone - Raw Track / Bonus Track / 2018 Remaster
30 The Unquiet Zone - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
31 A Souvenir of London - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
32 Cerdes (Outside the Gates of) - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
33 I Keep Forgetting - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
34 Power Failure - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
35 Simple Sister - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975
36 Shine on Brightly - Live at Leicester University, 1975
37 Conquistador - Live at Capitol Theatre, NJ, 1975

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