Puya feat. Elena Ionescu & Vescan - Pasiune - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Puya feat. Elena Ionescu & Vescan - Pasiune

Atunci cand dai pe un bit
When you hit a beat
Timpul parca e oprit
Time seems to stop
Incepi sa canti la mic
You start to sing softly
Totul pare diferit
Everything feels different
Canti canti, apoi subit
You sing and sing, then suddenly
Inima bate tare, te simti foarte implinit
Your heart beats fast, you feel very fulfilled
Te vezi pe scena, uiti orice problema
You see yourself on stage, you forget all your problems
Ai tai iti tot repeta in ureche aceeasi tema
Your loved ones keep repeating the same theme in your ear
Baga-ti mintile in cap
Get your head on straight
Nu esti 2 Pac
You're not 2 Pac
Facturile nu se platesc cu rap
You can't pay your bills with rap
E un pic ciudat
It's a little weird
Dar clipa o sa vina, simti ca e aproape
But the moment will come, you feel it's close
Tu vezi semnele si de aia nu o sa dai in spate
You see the signs and that's why you won't back down
Intre servici si rate, mergi la studio, ca poate
Between work and bills, you go to the studio, maybe
Azi va fi ziua cand o sa le schimbi pe toate
Today will be the day when you change everything
Vorbeau, dar nu te cunosteau
They talked, but they didn't know you
Vorbeau de tine si radeau
They talked about you and laughed
Eretii camerei sunt plini de postere
The walls of the room are covered with posters
Idolii tai parca te incurajeaza, bre
Your idols seem to encourage you, girl
Ei sunt dovada vie ca faci ce trebuie
They are living proof that you are doing the right thing
Inima spune: "Hai, mai incearca, staruie"
Your heart says: "Come on, try again, persist"
Daca vrei sa faci istorie
If you want to make history
Sa stii ca e plin de gropi drumul pana la glorie
Know that the road to glory is full of potholes
Trebuie sa te rupi total, sa te lasi dus de val
You have to break away completely, let yourself go
Sa faci tot ce spune inima, aici este vital
Do whatever your heart tells you, that's what's vital here
Peste multi ani, vei rade ca de un vis urat
Many years from now, you will laugh at it like a bad dream
Cand cineva te va intreba cum era la inceput
When someone asks you what it was like in the beginning
Multi o sa creada ca de abia ai aparut
Many will think that you have just appeared
Cand, de fapt, tu erai in fata lor de mult, mult
When, in fact, you were in front of them for a long, long time
Vorbeau, dar nu te cunosteau
They talked, but they didn't know you
Vorbeau de tine si radeau
They talked about you and laughed
Te intrebi cum altii reuseau
You wonder how others succeeded
Cand tu munceai si ei dormeau
When you were working and they were sleeping
Anii au trecut deja, e deranjant, cumva
The years have already passed, it's disturbing, somehow
Toti care au succes, te enerveaza, da
All who are successful, annoy you, yes
Simti ca i-ai face zob
You feel like you could smash them
Cum dracu de-au ajuns atat de multi in top
How the hell did so many of them make it to the top
E un complot, ai mers peste tot
It's a conspiracy, you've been everywhere
Anii, insa, au trecut fara noroc
But the years have passed without luck
Nu-i timp de joc
There's no time for games
Romanii au talent, si ce
Romanians have talent, so what
Nu ai cu ce sa platesti facturile
You have nothing to pay your bills with
Iubita a zburat, n-ai bani, esti prea stresat
Your girlfriend has flown away, you have no money, you are too stressed
De-aia versurile tale nici nu-ti mai vin in cap
That's why your lyrics don't come to your mind anymore
Esti gata, ai clacat
You're ready, you've cracked
La dracu cu muzica, ii pui stop, ccat
To hell with music, you put a stop to it, damn
Vorbeau, dar nu te cunosteau
They talked, but they didn't know you
Vorbeau de tine si radeau
They talked about you and laughed
Te intrebi cum altii reuseau
You wonder how others succeeded
Cand tu munceai si ei dormeau
When you were working and they were sleeping
Sute de mii de voci vorbesc in capul tau, e haos
Hundreds of thousands of voices speak in your head, it's chaos
Sute de mii de ganduri vin si pleaca, stop, repaus
Hundreds of thousands of thoughts come and go, stop, rest
Sute de mii de vise, doar inca o noapte lunga
Hundreds of thousands of dreams, just another long night
Hai, la culcare, ca dimineata mergi la munca
Come on, go to bed, because in the morning you go to work
Cu gandul ca, poate, intr-o buna zi
With the thought that, maybe, one fine day
Publicul te va iubi
The audience will love you
Lumea intreaga te va stii
The whole world will know you
Si chiar vei reusi
And you will succeed
Cand apari pe scena, sa fii tare
When you appear on stage, be strong
Sa nu mai fi un oarecare
Don't be just another nobody
O legenda vie, prima pagina din ziare
A living legend, front page of the newspapers
Visezi in continuare
You still dream
Si te minti ca nu mai doare
And you lie to yourself that it doesn't hurt anymore
Orice incercare
Every attempt
Cica te face mai tare
Supposedly makes you stronger
Va veni ziua cea mare
The great day will come
Ziceai ca o sa arati ce poti
You said you'd show what you can do
Si ca atunci o sa te asiguri
And that then you'd make sure
Sa fie prezenti toti
That everyone would be there
Cine a zis ca e usor
Who said it's easy
Sa ajungi si tu in locul lor
To get to their place
Vorbeau, dar nu te cunosteau
They talked, but they didn't know you
Vorbeau de tine si radeau
They talked about you and laughed
Dar azi esti ce multi doar visau
But today you are what many only dream of
Ca tu munceai cand ei dormeau
Because you were working when they were sleeping
Vorbeau, dar nu te cunosteau
They talked, but they didn't know you
Vorbeau, dar nu te cunosteau
They talked, but they didn't know you
Vorbeau de tine si radeau
They talked about you and laughed
Te intrebi cum altii reuseau, reuseau
You wonder how others succeeded, succeeded
Cand tu munceai si ei dormeau
When you were working and they were sleeping

Writer(s): Dragos Gardescu

Puya feat. Elena Ionescu & Vescan - Pasiune
date of release

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