Quasarr - Indigo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Quasarr - Indigo

Više ne postojim
I don't exist anymore
Više ne postojim u indigu
I don't exist anymore in indigo
Vidim samo siluete
I see only silhouettes
To nismo ni ti ni ja
We are neither you nor me
To nismo ni ti ni ja
We are neither you nor me
Neka druga lica ljubavi
Some other faces of love
Tvoji me postupci
Your actions drive me crazy
Tvoji me postupci izluđuju
Your actions drive me crazy
Jer unjela si nemir u nas
Because you have brought disorder into us
Zvučiš ko nekad mi
You sound like I used to
Zvučiš ko nekad mi
You sound like I used to
Poput indiga
Like an indigo
Poput indiga isto
Like an indigo too
S druge strane dišeš
You breathe on the other side
Poput indiga
Like an indigo
Poput indiga negdje
Like an indigo somewhere
S druge strane dišeš
You breathe on the other side
Tvoji me postupci
Your actions drive me crazy
Tvoji me postupci izluđuju
Your actions drive me crazy
Jer unjela si nemir u nas
Because you have brought disorder into us
Kaži da trebaš me
Tell me you need me
I kaži da želiš me
And tell me you want me
Poput indiga
Like an indigo
Poput indiga isto
Like an indigo too
S druge strane dišeš
You breathe on the other side
Poput indiga
Like an indigo
Poput indiga negdje
Like an indigo somewhere
S druge strane dišeš
You breathe on the other side
Poput indiga
Like an indigo

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