RHYMESTER feat. KIRINJI - Diamonds - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation RHYMESTER feat. KIRINJI - Diamonds

輝きは永遠に 刹那に
Your shine is eternal, momentary
(Get your diamonds!)
(Get your diamonds!)
Your brilliance shines, baby
You float onto the dance floor
(オープニング・ショット)きらめくネオン 鳴りやまぬクラクション
(Opening shot) The neon glints, the horns blare
夢たちが行き交うジャンクション この街はまるでデカいアトラクション
Dreams pass through this junction, this city's like a giant attraction
道ゆく人々もみんなキャスト 役との距離 微妙にアジャスト
Everyone's an actor on the street, adjusting their distance to the scene
They're waiting for an unexpected end: "Lights, camera, action!"
で、歩きだした通行人Aこと僕 雑踏のなかの孤独
So here I come, pedestrian A, just me, walking in my solitude
in the city crowd, so familiar with loneliness sometimes it makes me brood
世界は確かにひどく残酷で つい飲まれちまう暗黒面
The world can be so cruel, the darkness threatens to swallow me whole
だがイヤフォンにこんな一曲 流れると景色は変わる結局
but then a song like this plays in my headphones and the scene changes, after all
なんせハートに秘めたお宝 誰にもタッチはできないのだから
'Cause the treasure in my heart, no one can touch, that is my goal
人にジャッジはさせやしないさ 二つとないこの人生の財産
I won't let anyone judge me, this precious life is solely mine
たとえ今夜は単なる端役 だとしてもいずれデカく輝く
Even if I'm just a bit player tonight, I'll shine brighter than the rest
情熱こそ希望の原石 暗闇を照らす奇跡 まさしく...
Passion is the raw diamond of hope, it lights up the darkness, a miracle, indeed...
Your shine is eternal, momentary
(Get your diamonds!)
(Get your diamonds!)
The purity of your eyes is surely flawless
(We are diamonds!)
(We are diamonds!)
光の礫 抱きしめて
Hold the sparkling moment
(Get your diamonds!)
(Get your diamonds!)
Your brilliance shines, baby
You float onto the dance floor
たとえばこんなキラキラしてて、かつ タイトなダンスチューンは
For example, do you like this sparkling, tight dance tune?
お好きですか?(お好きですか?) 苦手ですか?(苦手ですか?)
Do you like it? Do you hate it?
どっちでも構いません 尋ねたいのは好みじゃないのです
It doesn't matter either way, I'm not asking about your taste
要はあなただけにあなただけの んーっと... ま、なんて言うんだろう?
The point is, it's yours and yours alone, well, how can I say it?
It's okay to be biased, don't you think?
その偏りが 人を幸せにするんだと思うんです
That bias makes you happy, I believe
嘲笑う者はきっと羨んでる 何もないんじゃないかと悩んでる
Those who mock you are probably envious, worried that they have nothing
It's wonderful that you love zombie movies!
いつか 時は流れて タフな世界に解き放たれて
Some day, time will pass and you'll be set free into the tough world
こんなダンスチューンが次にリバイバルするだろう そう遠くない将来
and then a dance tune like this will make a comeback, in the not-so-distant future
あなたは何を 見つめてるのでしょうか? 幸せでしょうか?
What are you gazing at? Are you happy?
ステキな何か 見つけてるのでしょうか? どうか...
Have you found something wonderful? I hope so...
何かひとつでいい 何かひとつでいい
Just one thing, just one thing
たったひとつでいい たったひとつでいい
Just one thing, just one thing
片想いでいい 愛し合えればもっといい
Unrequited or returned love, either way it brightens you up
好きなものがあることが あなたを輝かす
Having something you love makes you shine
Your shine is eternal, momentary
(そう、何かひとつでいいんだ Get your diamonds!)
(Yes, just one thing, get your diamonds!)
The purity of your eyes is surely flawless
(たったひとつでいいんだ We are diamonds!)
(Just one thing, we are diamonds!)
光の礫 抱きしめて
Hold the sparkling moment
(そう、何かひとつでいいんだ Get your diamonds!)
(Yes, just one thing, get your diamonds!)
Your brilliance shines, baby
You float onto the dance floor
Your shine is eternal, momentary
(Get your diamonds!)
(Get your diamonds!)
The purity of your eyes is surely flawless
(We are diamonds!)
(We are diamonds!)
光の礫 抱きしめて
Hold the sparkling moment
(Get your diamonds!)
(Get your diamonds!)
Your brilliance shines, baby
You float onto the dance floor

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