Rabbani - Hidayah - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rabbani - Hidayah

Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering
Siraman iman, subur keinsafan
A shower of faith, a fertile remorse
Membersihkan jiwa yang ternoda
Purifying the tarnished soul
Melakar kasih menjadi titian ke syurga
Painting love as a bridge to paradise
Tak terlerai gelisah berpanjangan
Endless anxiety cannot be dispelled
Jika hanya bertuhankan kejahilan
If ignorance is your only god
Tanpa sinaran wahyu
Without the light of revelation
Menerangi kehidupan, ooh ya Allah
To illuminate life, oh Allah
Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering
Siraman iman, subur keinsafan
A shower of faith, a fertile remorse
Membersihkan jiwa yang ternoda
Purifying the tarnished soul
Melakar kasih menjadi titian ke syurga
Painting love as a bridge to paradise
Berikanlah limpahan nur saadah
Grant me the abundance of the light of happiness
Moga tidak tersasar dalam gelita
May I not stray in the darkness
Bimbang kurnia nikmat-Mu
I fear the loss of Your grace
Daku hanya persiakan
I am but a servant
Jangan biarkan daku
Do not let me
Terbang di awangan
Fly in the clouds
Sungguhku merindukan rasa
I truly yearn for the feeling
Indahnya kemesraan permainan
The beauty of intimate play
Air mata berlinangan
Tears streaming down my face
Tidak akan daku endahkan
I will not heed them
Relaku menadah meminta
I will beg and ask
Cinta-Mu takkan kulepaskan
I will not let go of Your love
Seandai ujian di depan
If trials lay ahead
Bukti kasih-Mu berkekalan
Proof of Your eternal love
Maha suci-Mu Allah tiada kekurangan
Most Holy are You, O Allah, without any deficiency
Pujian kulafazkan tanpa kesangsian
I utter praises without doubt
Dosa yang kulakukan mohon
For the sins I have committed, I beg
Pengampunan dari-Mu ya Tuhan
Forgiveness from You, O Lord
Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering
Siraman iman, subur keinsafan
A shower of faith, a fertile remorse
Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering
Siraman iman, subur keinsafan
A shower of faith, a fertile remorse
Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering
Siraman iman, subur keinsafan
A shower of faith, a fertile remorse
Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering
Siraman iman, subur keinsafan
A shower of faith, a fertile remorse
Hidayah-Mu Allah penawar derita
Your guidance, O Allah, is the antidote for suffering

Writer(s): Yusri Yusuf, Zaid Yusof

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