Rabbani - Impian Hamba - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rabbani - Impian Hamba

Impian Hamba
My Servant's Dream
Pada-Mu Allah kami bermohon
Oh my God, I ask Thee
Keberkatan hidup yang berpanjangan
For a long life blessing
Aman sentosa... Murah rezeki
Peace and prosperity... abundant provision
Tenang beramal mengingati-Mu
Calm in good deeds, remembering Thee
Apa yang ada.Semua milik-Mu
All that exists belongs to Thee
Nikmat kau beri hanya pinjaman
The blessings Thou givest are but loans
Hanya yang sedar tahu bersyukur
Only those who are mindful are grateful
Bukannya ia untuk dibangga
And not that for which he should be proud
Biarlah sedikit asalkan diberikannya
Let us have little, as long as it is given
Daripada banyak yang memudaratkan
Rather than much that is harmful
Berkat di dunia oh indah nikmatnya
Blessings in this world, oh, how sweet they are!
Berkat di akhirat balasannya syurga
Blessings in the Hereafter, their reward is Paradise
Manusia sering lalai.Mudah tewas cubaan
Man is often negligent, easily defeated by trials
Ujian dugaan jadikanlah tauladan
Trials and tribulations make an example
Putaran kehidupan
The cycle of life
Pentas hidup untuk penilaian
The stage of life for evaluation
Jawapan sebenar
The true answer
Dari tuhan untuk insan
From God for mankind
Bersabar hadapi ujian
Be patient in the face of trials
Berkati hidup kami
Bless our lives
Dengan sinar hidayah
With the light of guidance
Jauhkan segala
Keep us far from
Dari pancaroba dunia
From the temptations of the world
Berikan perlindungan
Give us protection
Selamatkan dari fitnah ngeri
Save us from terrible slander
Bahana derita
The waves of suffering
Yang tak mampu kami tanggung
Which we are unable to bear

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