Ras Muhamad feat. Kunokini - Leluhur - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ras Muhamad feat. Kunokini - Leluhur

Leluhur berikan waktu
Ancestor, give me time
Ku mohon dengarkan nyanyianku
Please listen to my song
Apa yang telah terjadi?
What has happened?
Sepertinya hilang jati diri
It seems like I've lost my true self
Ku ingat jemari yang menuai padi
I remember the fingers that reaped the rice
Yang dahulu membangun candi
That built the temples in the past
Dengan penuh budi pekerti
With great wisdom and virtue
Kini telah runtuh dan di tinggalkan
Now it has collapsed and been abandoned
Ooo-aaaae ooaa eo-eo ae
Ooo-aaaae ooaa eo-eo ae
Isyarat dan budaya
Signs and culture
Oooaaaae ooaa eoeo ae
Oooaaaae ooaa eoeo ae
Aksara dan tatakrama
Scripts and manners
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Alam sebagai petunjuk
Nature as a guide
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Maka ku panggil oh wahai leluhur
So I call out, oh my ancestor
Oh kemana kita saat ini?
Oh where are we now?
Siapakah kita saat ini?
Who are we now?
Ku tak akan lupakan atau berpisah denganmu
I will never forget or part with you
Kau adalah aku
You are me
Ku panggil jiwa leluhur tuk berikan petunjuk
I call on the spirit of my ancestor to guide me
Saat badai menerpa dan langit mulai berkelap
When storms rage and skies grow dark
Bintang berbicara dan alam berbahasa
The stars speak and nature has a language
Pertanda dari semesta dengarkan
Listen to the signs from the universe
Saat sang dewi pertiwi berbicara
When Mother Earth speaks
Pada lubuk haki terdalam oh manusia
In the depths of your soul, oh human
Sabda langit di tafsirkan
The words of the sky are interpreted
Sebelum di tulis berwujud lisan
Before they were written, they were spoken
Falsafah dan cita-cita insan dan maha pencipta
The philosophy and ideals of man and the creator
Hembuskan zat dan nafas tenaga
Breathed into life by spirit and energy
Puaskan diriku tuk mencari ilmu
Satisfy my thirst for knowledge
Cerahkan diriku dengan kebenaran
Enlighten me with the truth
Tak lagi bisa di ungkap dan menyangkal
No longer can I deny or ignore
Sejarah akar dan asal muasal kita
The history, roots, and origins of our being
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Isyarat dan budaya
Signs and culture
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Aksara dan tatakrama
Scripts and manners
Oooa-aaae oo-aa -ae
Oooa-aaae oo-aa -ae
Alam sebagai petunjuk
Nature as a guide
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Ooo-aaaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Maka ku panggil kau wahai leluhur
So I call on you, my ancestor
Tiga ratus lima puluh tahun terlalu lama dan cukup sudah kau terjajah
Three hundred and fifty years is too long, and enough, you have been colonized
Jangan lemah dan lengah
Do not be weak or careless
Di saat mereka sibuk janjikan surga
While they are busy promising paradise
Di saat mereka ribut mengejar tahta
While they are fighting over the throne
Negrimu diabaikan
Your country is neglected
Tanah airmu digadaikan
Your homeland is mortgaged
Leluhur berikan waktu
Ancestors, give me time
Ku mohon dengarkan nyanyianku
Please listen to my song
Apa yang telah terjadi?
What has happened?
Sepertinya hilang jati diri
It seems like I've lost my true self
Ku ingat jemari yang menuai padi
I remember the fingers that reaped the rice
Yang dahulu membangun candi
That built the temples in the past
Dengan penuh makna budi pekerti
With great wisdom and virtue
Kini telah runtuh dan ditinggalkan
Now it has collapsed and been abandoned
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Isyarat dan budaya
Signs and culture
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Aksara dan tatakrama
Scripts and manners
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Alam sebagai petunjuk
Nature as a guide
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Oooa-aaae oo-aa eo-eo ae
Maka ku panggil kau wahai leluhur
So I call on you, my ancestor
Gusti kang makaryo ing jagat
Lord who created the universe
Ingsun kleru kangge nyuwun pangapuro
I beg your forgiveness for my wrongdoings
Kanjeng gusti ingsun meniko
My Lord, I am but
Hanamung setitik ingkang pun kadyo pun
A speck of dust in your eyes
Lelintangin angkoso puro
Wandering the world alone
Ingkang punten saindining dunyo
Which is a mere speck in your eyes

Writer(s): Benjamin Zecher

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