Rayo - ABces - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Rayo - ABces

Contigo quise todo, pero no diste nada
I wanted everything with you, but you gave nothing.
¿Y aún así piensas que yo no te amaba?
And you still think I didn't love you?
Si dudas de mi amor, dame una puñalada
If you doubt my love, stab me.
Y en cada gota de sangre, verás tu imagen grabada
And in each drop of blood, you will see your image engraved.
Te juro que no me explico por qué sigo aquí
I swear I don't understand why I'm still here.
Y mientras sufres por él, yo espero por ti
And while you suffer for him, I wait for you.
Y creo que el problema siempre estuvo ahí
And I think the problem was always there.
Me volví adicto a una droga que no consumí
I became addicted to a drug I never consumed.
A veces no te reconozco y ya no quién eres
Sometimes I don't recognize you and I don't know who you are anymore.
Te esperaré aunque que no me quieres
I will wait for you even though I know you don't love me.
Y si el amor con el tiempo se muere
And if love dies over time,
Detendré el tiempo y haré que nos espere
I will stop time and make it wait for us.
Yo te amo y te lloro, es una extraña mezcla
I love you and I cry for you, it's a strange mix.
Si a ti te suma, no me importa si me resta
If it adds to you, I don't care if it subtracts from me.
Ya que, a mí, esa cuestión no me molesta
Since, that matter does not bother me.
Ámame sin preguntas, que yo te amo sin respuestas
Love me without questions, for I love you without answers.
Mientras más te miro, que eres arte
The more I look at you, I know you are art.
Pues toco tu piel y solo pienso en besarte
Because I touch your skin and only think about kissing you.
Y cómo quieres que te olvide, si al comenzar a olvidarte
And how do you want me to forget you, if when I start to forget you,
Me olvido del olvido y comienzo a recordarte
I forget about forgetting and I start to remember you.
Él solo te busca cuando se encuentra mal
He only looks for you when he feels bad.
Y a esa acción no se le llama amar
And that action is not called love.
Nadie en este mundo merece tus lágrimas
No one in this world deserves your tears.
Y quien las merezca nunca te hará llorar
And whoever deserves them will never make you cry.
Yo solo pienso en ti y no pienso en los demás
I only think of you and I don't think about the others.
Cuántas veces ya me han dicho que te tengo que olvidar
How many times have they told me that I have to forget you.
Pero hay algo que las personas nunca entenderán
But there's something people will never understand.
No saben cómo se siente odiarte por amar
They don't know what it feels like to hate you for loving.
Te juro que, en el fondo, esto si me duele
I swear that, deep down, this does hurt me.
Y tampoco, mi amor, fue para que dudes
And neither, my love, was it for you to doubt.
Me dijeron que cuando se quiere, se puede
They told me that when you want something, you can do it.
Pero no saben cuánto quise y al final no pude
But they don't know how much I wanted and in the end I couldn't.
que es necesario que tenga que dolerme
I know it is necessary for me to hurt.
Me duele soportar la idea de no verte
It hurts to endure the thought of not seeing you.
Me rompiste las cadenas y dejaste que me suelte
You broke my chains and let me loose.
Llegaste a mi vida cuando pensaba en mi muerte
You came into my life when I was thinking about my death.
no eres mala, en el fondo eres buena
You are not bad, deep down you are good.
Pero yo no entiendo por qué me envenenas
But I don't understand why you poison me.
Seguiré sufriendo porque vales la pena
I will continue to suffer because you are worth it.
Y el veneno lo liberaré con cortes en mis venas
And I will release the poison with cuts in my veins.
Mi corazón te acepta, aunque no quiera nada
My heart accepts you, even though it wants nothing.
Aunque siendo sincero, eso me afecta
Although to be honest, that does affect me.
Quizás no eres la correcta, eres la equivocada
Maybe you're not the right one, you're the wrong one.
¿Pero quién demonios dijo que la vida era perfecta?
But who the hell said life was perfect?
Te juro que nunca pensaré en dejarte
I swear I'll never think of leaving you.
Pues eres mi vida y sería como suicidarme
Because you are my life and it would be like committing suicide.
Y en ese momento, lo entendí, en parte
And at that moment, I understood it, in part.
La peor manera de morir es enamorarse
The worst way to die is to fall in love.
¿Que estás confundida? Bueno, a veces, también dudo
Are you confused? Well, sometimes I doubt too.
Pero pienso en ti y las dudas se hacen humo
But I think of you and the doubts go up in smoke.
Porque los dos somos uno
Because we are both one.
Si no sueltas el pasado, ¿con qué mano agarras el futuro?
If you don't let go of the past, what hand do you grab the future with?
Y si sucede de nuevo, creo que es el fin
And if it happens again, I think it's the end.
Y si me voy, entonces me voy feliz
And if I leave, then I leave happy.
Porque yo muy bien todo lo que di por ti
Because I know very well what I gave for you.
Igual nunca olvides que siempre me tendrás a
Never forget that you will always have me.
Que siempre me tendrás a
That you will always have me.

Writer(s): Bruce Zamora Llosa

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