Reino Helismaa - Etana asialla - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Reino Helismaa - Etana asialla

Etana asialla
The Snail's Assignment
Kilpikonna hämähäkki sekä etana
The tortoise, the spider, and the snail
Pelasivat korttia.
Were playing cards.
Ilta kului rattoisasti,
The evening passed pleasantly,
Kunnes huomattiin,
Until they noticed
Että viina oli lopussa.
That the booze was all gone.
Kilpikonna hämähäkki sekä etana
The tortoise, the spider, and the snail
Katsoivat kortilla
Decided by a draw
Kuka lähtee käymään
Who would go and visit
Luona trokarin Albertinkadulla.
Trokarin on Albertinkatu.
Etana sai patakakkosen ja tietenkin
The snail drew a deuce of spades, and of course
Arvanvedon hävisi.
He lost the lottery.
Hän noitui ensin tuuriaan,
He cursed his luck at first,
Mut sitten lupasi,
But then he promised,
Et asialla kävisi.
That he would do the task.
Kului tunti kului kaksi,
An hour passed, then two,
Mutta etanaa
But the snail
Takaisin vain kuulu ei.
Was still not back.
Mainittakoon lisäksi, että etana
Moreover, it should be mentioned that the snail
Melkein kaikki rahat vei.
Had taken almost all the money.
Kului kolmas tunti silloin hämähäkki
When the third hour had passed, the spider,
Noin tuohtuneena kirahtaa,
Furious, exclaimed,
Missähän se onneton laiskamato on,
"Where is that wretched sluggard?
Aamu kohta sarastaa.
Dawn is almost here."
Kilpikonna noitui, se hiton etana
The tortoise swore that the damn snail
Meni muualle kai jatkamaa.
Must have gone elsewhere to continue.
Mutta eteisestä kuuluu:
But from the hallway came a voice:
Jos soimaatte mua noin,
If you keep scolding me like that,
En lähde ollenkaan.
I won't go at all.

Writer(s): Reino Helismaa, Veikko Ilmari Huuskonen

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