Retap - Muž kvalit - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Retap - Muž kvalit

Muž kvalit
Man of Quality
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Muž kvalit
Man of quality
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Jdem do klubu, don't mind
Going to the club, don't mind
Dobrý pití, hate a mrdky, toxic lidi alright
Good drinks, hate the bullshit, toxic people, alright
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Jdem do klubu, don't mind
Going to the club, don't mind
Dobrý pití, hate a mrdky, toxic lidi alright
Good drinks, hate the bullshit, toxic people, alright
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Jdem do klubu, don't mind
Going to the club, don't mind
Dobrý pití, hate a mrdky, toxic lidi alright
Good drinks, hate the bullshit, toxic people, alright
Naběhl jsem na beat sebou
Jumped on the beat with myself
Pravdu beru na feat ale
I take the truth on a feat, but
co mám dělat s pravdou když chci pistol s chutí nabít
what am I supposed to do with the truth when I want to load a pistol with pleasure
Ne fakt nemám chuť se zabít
No, really, I don't want to kill myself
Ani práškama se dávit
Nor choke on pills
Nejsem nijak negativní, chci se na svý lodi plavit
I'm not negative in any way, I want to sail on my ship
Blbů se chci zbavit
I want to get rid of fools
Potom s chábrama furt kalit
Then party with my buddies all the time
Jestli tohle nefeeluješ tak fakt nejsi mužem kvalit
If you don't feel this, you're really not a man of quality
Tak fakt nejsi mužem kvalit
So you really aren't a man of quality
Spotify swag tady a
Spotify swag here and
z vět vytvářím bary yeah
I'm creating bars from sentences, yeah
S hudbou jedu Praha, Plzeň, Zlín a potom Vary
With music I travel Prague, Pilsen, Zlín and then Karlovy Vary
Nemám žádný vady možná
I don't have any flaws, maybe
Nějaký ty pády
Some falls
Ale jsem na tolik silnej že jsem ještě pořád tady
But I'm so strong that I'm still here
Možná že máš hoes yh
Maybe you have hoes, yeah
mám zase swag (jo)
I have swag (yo)
Místo originality nahráváš zas disstrack
Instead of originality, you're recording another diss track
Prachy dáš za cíg pack (jo?)
You spend money on a cigarette pack (huh?)
Potom flexíš six pack
Then you flex your six-pack
A když nevíš co s životem tak ubalíš si špek
And when you don't know what to do with your life, you roll a joint
All night, don't mind
All night, don't mind
Na feat ale, když chci pistol s chutí nabít yeah
On a feat, but, when I want to load a pistol with pleasure, yeah
All night, don't mind
All night, don't mind
Na feat ale, když chci pistol s chutí nabít yeah
On a feat, but, when I want to load a pistol with pleasure, yeah
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Jdem do klubu, don't mind
Going to the club, don't mind
Dobrý pití, hate a mrdky, toxic lidi alright
Good drinks, hate the bullshit, toxic people, alright
Žiju život all night
I live life all night
Jdem do klubu, don't mind
Going to the club, don't mind
Dobrý pití, hate a mrdky, toxic lidi alright
Good drinks, hate the bullshit, toxic people, alright
Nechci zastavovat ani
I don't want to stop or
sám sebe litovat
feel sorry for myself
Možná i když jsem byl dole život mi přinesl obrat
Maybe even though I was down, life brought me a turnaround
Ty se snažíš do tmy volat
You're trying to call into the darkness
chci strach o hudbu zdolat
I want to conquer the fear of music
Ale nejsem selfish mrdka, chci jen svůj vibe rozdat
But I'm not a selfish asshole, I just want to share my vibe
Nebudu se bát pičo
I won't be afraid, bitch
Nechci tohle vzdát
I don't want to give this up
nenechám si od debilů na kebuli srát
I won't let idiots shit on my head
budu se prát
I will fight
Za mou pravdu rád
For my truth, gladly
Radši zalez domů
Rather crawl home
A nech moji hudbu hrát yeah
And let my music play, yeah

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