Revólver - Si no hubiera que correr - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Revólver - Si no hubiera que correr

Si no hubiera que correr
If I Didn't Have to Run
Si el camino fuera suave y si el cielo más azul
If the path were smooth and the sky a brighter blue
Miraría al horizonte siempre como miras tú.
I would gaze at the horizon forever, just like you do.
Si pudiera ir más despacio sin tropiezos ni traspiés.
If I could take my time, without any stumbles or falls.
Si el camino fuera suave si no hubiera que correr.
If the path were smooth, if I didn't have to run at all.
Pero es duro es salvaje y no tiene compasión
But it's tough, it's wild, and it has no mercy.
Te disparan por la espalda aquí no existe honor.
They shoot you in the back, there's no honor here.
He visto caer a gente sin poder mover un pie.
I've seen people fall, unable to move a foot.
También vi como los fuertes no apostaban por su piel.
I've also seen the strong not gamble with their skin.
Y aunque fuera necesario no quisiera echar la hiel.
And even if it were necessary, I wouldn't want to give in.
Si el camino fuera suave, si no hubiera que correr.
If the path were smooth, if I didn't have to run.
Ya estoy en ninguna parte ya no puedo regresar,
I am already nowhere, I can't turn back.
Son ya muchos 30 años para poner marcha atrás.
Thirty years is too long to go in reverse.
He gastado en esta historia mi energía y mi ilusión
I've spent my energy and my dreams on this story,
Masticando con firmeza que quizá lo que importa
Chewing firmly, knowing that perhaps what matters
No es jugar sino ganar.
Is not playing, but winning.
Y aunque fuera necesario no quisiera echar la hiel.
And even if it were necessary, I wouldn't want to give in.
Si el camino fuera suave, si no hubiera que correr.
If the path were smooth, if I didn't have to run.
El aliento del destino quizá sople sobre mí.
The breath of destiny may blow upon me.
Rogaré a Dios que me indique que sendero he de seguir.
I will pray to God to show me which path to follow.
Porque seguiré adelante aunque tenga que volar
Because I will keep going, even if I have to fly.
Quizá venda hasta mi alma sólo por poder llegar.
Perhaps I'll even sell my soul just to reach my goal.
Y aunque fuera necesario no quisiera echar la hiel.
And even if it were necessary, I wouldn't want to give in.
Si el camino fuera suave, si no hubiera que correr.
If the path were smooth, if I didn't have to run.

Writer(s): Carlos Javier Crespo Goni

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