Rochy RD - Ñoño y Julito - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rochy RD - Ñoño y Julito

Ñoño y Julito
Ñoño and Julito
A mí, a por lo menos por lo menos
At least, at least you won't see me on that corner, baby
A no me vas a ver en esa esquina
You won't see me on that corner
Ello ello si porqué ellos son los tiguerones
They are there because they are the tough guys
Yo no, yo lo que estoy escribiendo y vaina
Not me, I'm just writing and stuff
Recuerdo que taba lloviendo casi oscureciendo
I remember it was raining, almost getting dark
En la esquina fumando Ñoño y su pana Julio
On the corner, Ñoño and his buddy Julio were smoking
En el punto un día normal sin mucho ambiente
At the spot, a normal day without much going on
A las 5 de la tarde se escucha hay viene la gente
At 5 in the afternoon, you hear "here come the people"
Ñoño sale corriendo pero le salen de frente
Ñoño runs out but they come out in front of him
En una guagua de homicidio se apean la gente
In a homicide bus, the people get off
Ñoño jala por lo del la rabia no le faltó mira
Ñoño pulls because of the rage, look, he didn't lack it
Para atrás buscando a Julio, Julito lo abandonó
Looking back for Julio, Julito abandoned him
Mira para arriba y dice (bueno estoy con Dios)
He looks up and says (well I'm with God) yes
Te embala te muere vocea el que lo tiene encañonado
Get in, you die, shouts the one who has him cornered
Mentira degraciao yo también estoy armado ya
Lies, disgraced, I'm also armed already
Toy jalto de pagar baqueo y que me salgan virao
I'm busted, I have to pay for robbery and they come out twisted
Toy decidio yo estoy deprogramao el primero
I'm decided, I'm deprogrammed, the first one
Que se empante juro que lo voy a dejar tirado
Who stands up I swear I'm going to leave him shot
Ñoño esperate le dice el comandante
Ñoño, wait, the commander tells him
Son pal de pregunta que yo quiero hacerte
There are a couple of questions I want to ask you
Que pregunta de que; seré yo informante
What question, about what? Should I be an informant?
Tumbe ese mediante para que no nos matemo
Drop that intermediary so we don't kill each other
Ñoño entrégate vocea la gente no valla
Ñoño, surrender, the people shout, don't
A ser que una bala se escape y te mate
Let a bullet escape and kill you
Entrégate suerta el arma cuando la marea sube hay que tener la calma
Surrender, release the weapon, when the tide rises you have to be calm
Entrégate vocea la jente yo vaya a
Surrender, the people shout, I'm going to
Ser que una bala se escape y te mate
Let a bullet escape and kill you
Entrégate suelta el arma cuando la marea sube hay que tener la calma
Surrender, release the weapon, when the tide rises you have to be calm
Ñoño decide entregarse ante cámara y
Ñoño decides to surrender in front of cameras and
Celulares y por sus familiares que estaban llorando
Cell phones and for his relatives who were crying
En un minuto lo tenía rodeado en el piso
In a minute they had him surrounded on the floor
Tirado recojen el arma y se lo llevan esposado
Shot, they collect the weapon and take him away handcuffed
En el barrio sonó que Ñoño taba muerto que lo
In the neighborhood, it was said that Ñoño was dead, that they
Habían matado y hubieran desaparecido el cuerpo
Had killed him and they would have made the body disappear
Por mal momento pasó su familia pero su
His family went through a bad time, but his
Madre decía que su hijo seguia con vida
Mother said that her son was still alive
Una tarde le llega la noticia a su mamá
One afternoon the news reaches his mother
Que su hijo ta vivo que está en el felicidad
That her son is alive, that he is in happiness
Que felicidad ella sale corriendo
What happiness, she runs out
Llorando, gritando, con deseo de ver a su hijo
Crying, screaming, wanting to see her son
Cuando llega no se lo permiten ver
When she arrives, they don't let her see him
Porque de seguro no lo iba a reconocer
Because she probably wouldn't recognize him
A Ñoño le dieron golpes hasta no poder y
Ñoño was beaten until he couldn't anymore, and
Ella inocente preguntaba si le dieron de comer
She innocently asked if they had fed him
Ehhh doña váyase que su hijo ta bien le dice
Ehhh ma'am, go away, your son is fine, says
Satulin solo hay cosas que tiene que resolver
Satulin, there are just things that need to be resolved
Y es que a Ñoño lo buscaban para que buscara dos
And Ñoño was wanted to look for two
Gente que habían matado, dos gente muy importante
People who had been killed, two very important people
Tu vas a coger una vuelta le decía el
You're going to take a ride, the
Comandante mejor será que cante pa que no te echen 20
Commander told him, it's better to sing so they don't throw 20 at you
Ñoño na de hablar na de tira palante
Ñoño, nothing to say, nothing to push forward
Por lo tanto le hicieron un expediente
Therefore, they made a file on him
Lo ligan a la muerte de la gente
They link him to the death of the people
Importante lo mandan a juicio deja que yo te cuente
Important, they send him to trial, let me tell you
Ñoño entregate vocea la gente no valla
Ñoño, surrender, the people shout, don't
A ser que una bala se escape y te mate
Let a bullet escape and kill you
Entrégate suelta el arma cuando la marea sube hay que tener la calma
Surrender, release the weapon, when the tide rises you have to be calm
Entrégate vocea la gente no vaya a
Surrender, the people shout, don't
Ser que una bala se escape y te mate
Let a bullet escape and kill you
Entrégate suelta el arma cuando la marea sube hay que tener la calma
Surrender, release the weapon, when the tide rises you have to be calm
Ñoño cayoó en la victoria por porte de arma
Ñoño fell in victory for carrying an illegal weapon
Ilegal de la muerte de la gente no lo pudieron culpar
Of the death of the people they could not blame him
El imputado es inocente dijo el magistrado
The defendant is innocent, said the magistrate
Pero aquí va a ver dinero y como quiera lo ficharon
But here there is going to be money and they booked him anyway
Aló mami soy yo Ñoño yo estoy bien
Hello mommy, it's me Ñoño, I'm fine
Hay mi hijo pero que fue lo que te hicieron
Oh my son, but what did they do to you?
Tranquila mami no se vaya a morir por eso que yo
Don't worry, mommy, don't die because I'm
Estoy vivo gracias a dios yo lo que estoy es preso
Alive, thank God, I'm just in jail
Mejor frena donde Julito pa que me mande pal de
Better stop by Julito's so he can send me a couple of
Peso que estoy en la victoria sin ni 1 un con un yeso
Pesos because I'm in victory without a single one with a cast
(En la que) si mami no la quiero ver llorando que
(In which) yes, mommy, I don't want to see you crying because
Usted sabe que la quiero y quiero que se mantenga orando
You know that I love you and I want you to keep praying
Los días pasan y Ñoño maquinando en quien
The days go by and Ñoño is scheming on who
Fue que lo vendio de odio se esta llenando
It was that sold him, he is filling with hate
En el barrio se estaba rumorando que Ñoño
In the neighborhood, it was being rumored that Ñoño
Taba 20 y si amigo fue que lo tiró pa lante
Was 20 and if his friend threw him forward
Que amigo mi hermanito que nos crimamo junto que
What friend, my little brother, we grew up together, that
Cuando dejó la escuela lo puse a trabajar en mi punto
When he left school I put him to work at my spot
Cualquira traiciona en este mundo pero la
Anyone betrays in this world, but the
Última persona que yo dudaría seria Julito
Last person I would doubt would be Julito
Que lo que Ñoño soy yo nandito (da la lu)
What's up Ñoño, it's me Nandito (give the lu)
La luz paina to tan en Puerto Rico
The light paina to tan in Puerto Rico
Que hevy, cruzan el charco y yo casi me
That hevy, they cross the pond and I almost
Encharco pero son mío yo mato a cualquiera por nandito
Drown but they are mine, I would kill anyone for Nandito
Te mandaron pal de peso y me pasan un
They sent you a couple of pesos and they give me a
Dato (que dato) que el chivato fue Julito
Piece of information (what information) that the snitch was Julito
Ese rapa
That dude
Que lo que wa wa wa
What's up wa wa wa
Verdadero hip pab
Real hip pab
Cris, drako, andan
Cris, drako, walk
Música a otro level
Music on another level

Writer(s): Aderli Ramirez, Franklyn Alexander Matos Suero, Luis Santiago Neris Martinez

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