Rocío Dúrcal - La Gitana - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rocío Dúrcal - La Gitana

La Gitana
La Gitana
Una mujer rechazada
A lady abandoned
Es más peligrosa
Is worse than a beast
Que un animal salvaje
In her rage and fury,
Debes tener cuidado hijito mío
So take care my boy
Pa' que no te pase
Don't let it bite you
Lo que le paso, a un cuñado mío
Like it bit my brother-in-law
Dejo a su mujer
He left his lady,
Como deja el río
Like a river,
El agua correr
Let his waters run,
Por el sembradío
Through the fields.
El ya estaba cansado
He was sick and tired
De tantos celos de tanta intriga
Of all the jealousy, all the suspicion.
Y un día se fue a la mar
One day he went to the sea,
Se metió a nadar
Went for a swim
Conoció a una amiga
Met a new lass
Que le hizo cantar
Who made him sing.
Y olvidar su pena
And he forgot all his pain
Y se enamoró de esa mujer buena
And fell in love with this good lady
Y así se salvó
And so he was saved
De esa cruel condena
From that cruel fate
Se fueron baile y baile
They went dancing, dancing,
Baile y que baile
Dancing, and dancing
A San Juan pueblito
To the town of San Juan.
Y ahí miro la mañana
There they saw the morning
Y una gitana de ojos bonitos
And a gypsy with pretty eyes
Que le dijo ven
Who said come hither.
Por una moneda
For a coin
Te voy a decir lo que a ti te espera
I will tell you what the future holds.
Vas hacer feliz
You will be happy
Como antes eras
Like you once were
Ámense tal como son
Love each other for who you are,
El que persevera alcanza
Where love is, obstacles fade.
Donde celos no hay amor
Where there's no jealousy, there's no love,
No se tengan desconfianza
Don't let suspicion creep in,
No se dejen engañar
Don't let it deceive you.
Porque todo es por demás
For in the end, it's all for nothing.
Nadie es de nadie
No one belongs to anyone,
No se les olvide
Don't forget it,
Que hombre y mujer
Men and women
Han nacido libres
Are born free.
La otra te pide que vuelvas
The other one begs you to return
Mas que pronto a su lado
Quickly to her side,
Pero tu estas de esta otra
But you are completely in love
Totalmente enamorado
With this other one,
Te dice que la perdones
She tells you to forgive her
Todo lo que ella te hizo
For all that she's done to you,
Tu no eres rencoroso
You are not bitter
Ni tampoco olvidadizo
Nor are you forgetful.
Ay, no, no, no
Oh, no, no, no,
Quien va a volver
Who would go back?
Ni loco que yo estuviera
I'd be crazy to go back,
Que volver, ni que volver
To go back, to go back
Ay, no, no, no
Oh, no, no, no,
Quien va a volver
Who would go back?
Ni que en este mundo hubiera
As if in this world there were
Nada más que esa mujer
No one but that woman.
Aquella es una testaruda
That one is a stubborn mule,
Ignorante y prepotente
Ignorant and arrogant.
Caprichosa y corajuda
Capricious and bold,
Mal pensada e imprudente
Suspicious and reckless.
Esta en cambio es amorosa
This one, on the other hand, is loving,
Intuitiva, inteligente
Intuitive, intelligent,
Servicial y cariñosa
Helpful and affectionate,
Y además es obediente
And she's also obedient.
Ay, no, no, no
Oh, no, no, no,
Quien va a volver
Who would go back?
Ni loco que yo estuviera
I'd be crazy to go back,
Que volver, ni que volver
To go back, to go back
Ay, no, no, no
Oh, no, no, no,
Quien va a volver
Who would go back?
Ni que en este mundo hubiera
As if in this world there were
Nada más que esa mujer
No one but that woman.

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