Rubberband - 發現號 (Live) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rubberband - 發現號 (Live)

發現號 (Live)
Discovery (Live)
撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返
Crashed into icebergs, swept into sharp turns, never for a second wanting to turn back
就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣
Just within sight, just within reach, finally setting foot on this fjord
劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 未曾想過會倖免
Windbreaker ripped, life jacket lost, never thought I'd survive
若生於某個 總擠不進我地點 註定遠征一遍
Born in a place that could never fit me, destined to embark on this expedition
這發熱汗腺 也都乾透了 雙腿卻繼續狂放 在衝出那人浪
These sweating pores have all dried up, but my legs keep on running wild, breaking through the human waves
幾次被埋葬 窄巷中 復活過幾趟 留一口氣講
Buried alive several times in narrow alleys, revived several times, with one breath left to speak
再失敗 至懂看透 那不甘 去為我來營救 向著太陽狂走
Failing again, until I see through it all, that unwillingness to be saved, running wildly towards the sun
撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返
Crashed into icebergs, swept into sharp turns, never for a second wanting to turn back
就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣
Just within sight, just within reach, finally setting foot on this fjord
劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 未曾想過會倖免
Windbreaker ripped, life jacket lost, never thought I'd survive
逆光中進發 不甘安置到盲點 上路去再實踐
Advancing against the light, refusing to be placed in a blind spot, hitting the road to realize it again
板塊移動了 亂世中絕地裡反抗 誰躲於暗光
Tectonic plates shifting, rebelling in a desperate world, who hides in the shadows?
直到失敗 至懂看透 讓那不甘 去為我來營救 向著太陽狂走
Until I fail, until I see through it all, letting that unwillingness to be saved, running wildly towards the sun
撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返
Crashed into icebergs, swept into sharp turns, never for a second wanting to turn back
就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣
Just within sight, just within reach, finally setting foot on this fjord
劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 成全這最美歷險
Windbreaker ripped, life jacket lost, fulfilling this most beautiful adventure
逆光中進發 不甘安置到盲點 上路去再實踐
Advancing against the light, refusing to be placed in a blind spot, hitting the road to realize it again
撞碎了冰山 衝過了急灣 登上完夢的峽灣
Smashed through icebergs, rushed through sharp turns, ascended the fjord of fulfilled dreams
望到了 望到了 白雲搭上一片藍
I see it now, I see it now, white clouds meet a piece of blue
記載了凶險 傷勢也不淺 腳踏這裡這一天
Recorded the dangers, the wounds are not shallow, standing here on this day
歷史中結算 一心走出錯地點 幹下遠征一遍
Settling history, determined to walk out of the wrong place, carrying out this expedition

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