Rudeen feat. Hullera - Hadir - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Rudeen feat. Hullera - Hadir

Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Aku cuma
I just
Perlukan pelukan
Need a hug
Sinar terik, kamulah teduhan
Scorching sun, you're the shade
Tak tipu kadang rasa tak mahu teruskan
I won't lie, sometimes I don't want to go on
Kadang sampai fikir bikin bukan bukan
Sometimes I even think about doing bad things
Aku juga rasa begitu keliru dan
I also feel so confused and
Perlukan teman tiap kali turun hujan
I need a friend every time it rains
Tapi bila masa
But when
Kita bertemu, hariku jadu lebih baik
We meet, my day gets better
Berwarna macam pelangi
Colorful like a rainbow
Buang resah kamu
Put your worries away
Lupa kisah lalu
Forget the past
Have a good day my dear
Have a good day, my dear
And now let me tell you how i feel
And now let me tell you how I feel
Everytime you're here
Every time you're here
Bila kau hadir
When you're here
Seperti pelangi
Like a rainbow
Seakan muncul semua benda yang ku cari
As if everything I've been looking for has appeared
Bila kau hadir
When you're here
Senyapkan sepi
Silence the silence
Lenyap semua hal
Make everything disappear
Bila kita menari
When we dance
Buang semua ragu mu
Throw away all your doubts
(Yeah yeah)
(Yeah yeah)
Atau terus tunggu yang engkau tunggu
Or keep waiting for the one you're waiting for
Nyanyilah lagu mu
Sing your song
(Yeah yeah)
(Yeah yeah)
Panggil aku anytime
Call me anytime
Boleh hello kalau perlu
You can say hello if you need to
Mungkin kita perlukan kebebasan
Maybe we need freedom
Hidup ikut cara aku
Live life my way
Taknak dengar arahan
Don't want to listen to directions
Sebab takde sapa yang faham
Because no one understands
Perasaan ku tanam
I plant my feelings
Biarkanlah harapan ku tenggelam
Let my hopes sink
Dalam dalam
Deep down
Takyah bimbang
Don't worry
Walau hidup tengah tak seimbang
Even though life is unbalanced
Masalah takleh bilang
Problems can't be said
Harap esok boleh hilang
Hope it can disappear tomorrow
Senyuman makin layu, ada aku untuk siram
My smile is fading, I'm here to water it
Selagi ada nafas, ambil masa cuba tenang
As long as there's breath, take a moment to calm down
Kenapa dunia harus begini?
Why does the world have to be like this?
Kenapa aku yang kau pilih?
Why did you choose me?
Mana jalan harus ku pergi?
Which way should I go?
Takutnya tiada siapa disisi
I'm afraid there will be no one by my side
Janji yang kau takkan pergi
Promise you won't leave
Ada hari bila ku sakit
There are days when I'm sick
Ataupun hari yang tak beringgit
Or days without envy
Apa kita ada, lebih dari duit
Do we have something more than money?
Bila kau hadir
When you're here
Seperti pelangi
Like a rainbow
Seakan muncul semua benda yang ku cari
As if everything I've been looking for has appeared
Bila kau hadir
When you're here
Senyapkan sepi
Silence the silence
Lenyap semua hal
Make everything disappear
Bila kita menari
When we dance
Buang semua ragu mu
Throw away all your doubts
(Yeah yeah)
(Yeah yeah)
Atau terus tunggu yang engkau tunggu
Or keep waiting for the one you're waiting for
Nyanyilah lagu mu
Sing your song
(Yeah yeah)
(Yeah yeah)
Panggil aku anytime
Call me anytime
Boleh hello kalau perlu
You can say hello if you need to

Writer(s): Muhammad Alif Ridhauddin Bin Mohamad Yusof, Nurqamarina Arissa Binti Khairuddin

Rudeen feat. Hullera - Hadir
date of release

1 Hadir

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