Runrig - An Sabhal Aig Neill - translation of the lyrics into French

Lyrics and French translation Runrig - An Sabhal Aig Neill

An Sabhal Aig Neill
An Sabhal Aig Neill
Craicann searrach agus or
La peau d'un poulain, et de l'or
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
Se suid an sgeul na Ath-mhor
C'est l'histoire d'Ahmore
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
'S iomadh Ia. 's loniadh Ia, chaidh sinn suas ga h-iarraidh
Combien de jours, combien de jours, nous sommes allés la chercher
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
Le crap spaid is puchaid iarainn
Avec une pelle cassée et un seau en fer
Tha na gillean ruith gun sguir
Les garçons courent sans s'arrêter
Thal! aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
Ginealachan. ginealachan. sniomh ma mo shuilean
Les générations, les générations, défilent devant mes yeux
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
Sibhse a sheas aig ceann a bhathalch
Mais ceux qui se tenaient au coin de l'étable
Thall aig an sablial, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
Tha sibh air nVinntinn gach Ia
Ils sont dans mes pensées chaque jour
Innse sinn an sgeul dh*an chlann
Nous raconterons l'histoire aux enfants
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
An aite seileach bar a bheann
Le lieu des saules au sommet de la colline
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
'S lomadh Ia, 's lomadh Ia. 'bhitheas e air n*intinn
Combien de jours, combien de jours, ils s'en souviendront
Thall aig an sabhal, an sabhal aig Neill
Là-bas, à la grange, la grange de Neil
An sgeul a rnhaireas ri gu sioraidli
L'histoire qui durera éternellement
Horo eiribli o
Horo, garçons, oh
Horo ro bho. ro ho-ro
Horo ro bho, ro ho-ro
The skin of a foal, and gold
The skin of a foal, and gold
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
That is the Ahmore story
That is the Ahmore story
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
Many's a day we went up to search for it
Many's a day we went up to search for it
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
With a broken spade and an iron bucket
With a broken spade and an iron bucket
The boys are running without stopping
The boys are running without stopping
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
Over by the barn. Neil's barn
The generations weaving away in front of my eyes
The generations weaving away in front of my eyes
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
But those that used to stand at the corner of the byre
But those that used to stand at the corner of the byre
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
They are on my mind each day
They are on my mind each day
We will tell the story to the children
We will tell the story to the children
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
The place of willows on top of the hill
The place of willows on top of the hill
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Many's a day it will be on their minds
Many's a day it will be on their minds
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
Over by the barn, Neil's barn
The story that will go on forever
The story that will go on forever
Horo boys o
Horo boys o
Horo ro bho, ro ho-ro
Horo ro bho, ro ho-ro

Writer(s): Calum Macdonald, Rory Macdonald

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