Ryu feat. Eizy - Tak Mudah (feat. Eizy) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Ryu feat. Eizy - Tak Mudah (feat. Eizy)

Tak Mudah (feat. Eizy)
Hard To (feat. Eizy)
Bermodalkan tempat yang kumuh, aku cari nafkah
In a rundown place I seek my fortune
Berteman dengan lalat, sampah, dan jalan basah
Befriended by flies, garbage, and wet roads
Di tempat ini kucoba 'tuk mencari berkah
In this place I try to find a blessing
Semoga dapat rezeki halal untuk makan orang rumah
May I receive halal sustenance to feed my family
Saat mereka tidur pulas aku sudah pergi pasar
When they are sound asleep, I have already gone to the market
Hidup di lingkungan keras dengan para preman bar-bar
Living in a harsh environment with barbaric thugs
Tak jarang kumakan banyak ocehan kasar
I often hear many harsh words
Namun kutetap jalani dengan penuh rasa sabar
But I still go through it with great patience
Mukaku kusut tapi semangat masih segar
My face is wrinkled, but my spirit is still fresh
Hadapi ocehan pelanggan dengan tegar
Facing the complaints of customers with fortitude
Hargaku rendah, namun mereka masih tawar
My price is low, but they still haggle
Terpaksa kuharus terima, karena perut ini lapar
I have to accept, because my stomach is hungry
Mungkin ku terlihat kotor tak berwibawa
I may look dirty and not respectable
Beda dengan mereka yang bekerja dengan kemeja
Unlike those who work in shirts
Namun tujuan kita masih tetap sama
But our goals are still the same
Inilah kisahku yang selalu terpandang sebelah mata
This is my story, always looked down upon
Ku tak takut 'tuk mencoba
I am not afraid to try
Walau sering aku kalah
Even though I often lose
Tak lelah 'tuk berusaha
Not tired of trying
Ku tau semua tak mudah
I know it's not easy
Percaya akan tiba waktunya
Believe the time will come
Tak ada kata 'tuk menyerah walau semua terasa lelah
No word to give up even when everything feels tiring
Terus berusaha kucoba setiap gerak
I keep trying every move
Tak jarang tak ada angka yang bisa kujumlah
Often there are no numbers I can add up
Keringatku terperas, semangatku takkan patah
My sweat is squeezed out, my spirit is not broken
Ku berserah diri, ku tau Tuhan tak tidur
I surrender myself, I know God does not sleep
Perihal rezeki bukanlah orang yang atur
The matter of sustenance is not for people to arrange
Tak ada alasan 'tuk jadi orang kufur
There is no reason to be an infidel
Masih bisa bernafas saja ku sudah bersyukur
I am grateful just to be able to breathe
Jika gagal hari ini coba lagi esok hari
If I fail today, I will try again tomorrow
Jangan diam terus cari kerja keras tak ingkari
Don't be idle, keep looking for hard work, don't deny it
Walau masih jadi misteri, tak hindari
Even though it's still a mystery, don't avoid it
Terus jalani biarkan jadi history
Keep going and let it be history
Ikhlas ketika dapat ujian
Be sincere when you are tested
Bersabar disaat ada cobaan
Be patient when you are tried
Kucintai apapun yang kulakukan sukses bukan kebetulan
I love whatever I do, success is not a coincidence
Namun, dari pengorbanan
But from sacrifice
Ku tak takut 'tuk mencoba
I am not afraid to try
Walau sering aku kalah
Even though I often lose
Tak lelah 'tuk berusaha
Not tired of trying
Ku tau semua tak mudah
I know it's not easy
Percaya akan tiba waktunya
Believe the time will come
Hanya saja kita berbeda kasta
It's just that we are different castes
Bukan berarti ku tak bisa rasa kan bahagia
Doesn't mean I can't feel happiness
Meski kadang tak sama
Even though sometimes it's not the same
Selagi ku berusaha pasti ada
As long as I try, there will be a way
Cara 'tuk menikmati semuanya
To enjoy it all
Kupercaya akan ada waktunya
I believe there will be a time
Ku tak takut 'tuk mencoba ('tuk mencoba)
I'm not afraid to try (to try)
Walau sering aku kalah (sering aku kalah)
Even though I often lose (often I lose)
Tak lelah 'tuk berusaha
Not tired of trying
Ku tau semua tak mudah
I know it's not easy
Percaya akan tiba waktunya
Believe the time will come

Writer(s): Eizy Eizy, Ryu! Ryu!

Ryu feat. Eizy - Tak Mudah (feat. Eizy) - Single
Tak Mudah (feat. Eizy) - Single
date of release

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