SBO - Mesečev Zaliv - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation SBO - Mesečev Zaliv

Mesečev Zaliv
Moon Bay
Preveč sem pil
I've drunk too much
Še preveč sem živ
I'm still too alive
Pripelji mi mir
Bring me peace
Pel' v Mesečev zaliv
Drive me to Moon Bay
Preveč sem pil
I've drunk too much
Še preveč sem živ
I'm still too alive
Pripelji mi mir
Bring me peace
Pel' v Mesečev zaliv
Drive me to Moon Bay
Preveč sem pil, bejbe
I've drunk too much, baby
Še preveč sem živ, greva
I'm still too alive, let's go
Se ga prekiniti
Let's break it off
Pel' v Mesečev zaliv, greva
Drive me to Moon Bay, let's go
Preveč sem pil, bejbe
I've drunk too much, baby
Še preveč sem živ, greva
I'm still too alive, let's go
Se ga prekiniti
Let's break it off
Pel' v Mesečev zaliv, greva
Drive me to Moon Bay, let's go
(Pali, zapali)
(Hit the gas, light it up)
(Bogati, bogati)
(Get rich, get rich)
Odšla bom še to noč
I'll leave tonight
Ozrla se ne bom
I won't look back
Te face bogate
Those rich faces
Panika z mano se igra
Panic plays with me
To so gadi, brat
They're scumbags, bro
Jeans generacija
Jeans generation
Preveč sem pil, bejbe
I've drunk too much, baby
Še preveč sem živ, greva
I'm still too alive, let's go
Se ga prekiniti
Let's break it off
Pel' v Mesečev zaliv, greva
Drive me to Moon Bay, let's go
Preveč sem pil, bejbe
I've drunk too much, baby
Še preveč sem živ, greva
I'm still too alive, let's go
Se ga prekiniti
Let's break it off
Pel' v Mesečev zaliv, greva
Drive me to Moon Bay, let's go
Sipi si to, izi ti bo
Pour yourself one, it'll ease you
Spimpi si dom, analgetikov
Pop some home, painkillers
Bil bi gost, vpiješ dost
You'd be a guest, you're drinking enough
Glej umore, vidiš gotovo
See murders, you'll see for sure
Vleče nota, umika bojo
It pulls the note, it removes the battle
Gine forma, dimenzije proža
The form dies, the dimensions stretch
Klizi vista, Skomina, boža
Slide the view, Skomina, caress
Ritem orje, pelje vikend offline
The rhythm plows, takes the weekend offline
Spuca kontro, mutira v spore
Clear the control, mutates into spores
Bližnje pustu si, spustu pipco
You're close to the carnival, release the faucet
Prekinu kontakt, gotiviš se
Break contact, you're into it
Na mrtvi stražI, bije borba
On dead watch, the fight beats
Prebije fronto, ni ji konca
Breaks through the front, there's no end
Višja volja, sili kopat
Higher will, forces to dig
Poglobi se obla, ji ne uideš
Deepen the clothes, you can't escape it
Filingraš pik utrinkov froca
You're filing a bite of froc's snacks
Nosilcu cikla, se briše koda
The carrier of the cycle, the code is erased
Otopi, zabetonira skorjo
Dulls, cements the crust
Mozak ukine pošiljat opozorila
The brain stops sending warnings
Edina stična točka
The only point of contact
Transmiterjev hormona
Transmitters of the hormone
Je igra zloma
It's a game of collapse
Kida utrip
Cuts the pulse
Ti odbije sodba
The verdict rejects you
Greva zaspat nocoj, vem kje mesto se konča
Let's go to sleep tonight, I know where the city ends
Ker to ni naša noč, vem kje konec je sveta
Because this isn't our night, I know where the end of the world is
Preveč sem pil, bejbe, še se čutim kriv'ga sam
I've drunk too much, baby, I still feel guilty
Vem, kje izlil se bom dol čez rob ven iz sveta
I know where I'll spill out over the edge, out of the world
Vozi me, vozi me, vozi
Drive me, drive me, drive
Vozi me, bože pomozi
Drive me, God help me
Vozim se kroz zid
I'm driving through the wall
Ja sam ti loznika
I'm your lozničar
Lože me crte, kerozin
The lože, lines, kerosene
Crtaj po koži
Draw on the skin
Bodežom dodir
Touch with a dagger
Vozi me, vozi
Drive me, drive
Sve sluti na belaj
Everything smells like dawn
Pa vozi me u beskraj
And drive me to infinity
Lokali drugari menjajo noči v dan
Club buddies swap nights for days
In pali zapali luči mi nov gram
And hit the gas light up, a new gram for me
Bogati in mladi panika
Rich and young panic
Dej mi te no-otropike
Give me those nootropics
Bloki, grobovi tok jih je
Blocks, graves, the current has them
Bogi smo tropi zlomljenih opic na koki, hodim domov
We're poor tropics of broken monkeys on coke, I'm walking home
Šla bi, šla bi s tabo na konec sveta
I'd go, I'd go with you to the end of the world
Sanjam, sanjam konec sveta
I dream, I dream of the end of the world
V banji
In the bathroom
Udi so slani
The limbs are salty
Last year

Writer(s): Benjamin Krnetić, Filip Duric, Juca Bonaca, Peter Frankl, Vid Greganovic

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