SEAMO - From Now - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation SEAMO - From Now

From Now
From Now
いつの日にか出来るのなら 今日からでも出来る あなたなら
If only I could someday, even today I could, you could
その人の 素敵な所 見つめてみてよ きっと優しい気持ちになる
Look for that person's wonderful qualities, you'll surely feel kind
誰でもね 世の中に好きな人嫌いな人いて
Everyone in the world has people they like and dislike
大抵は嫌いな人の方 気が楽だから見ないように
But most of the time, it's easier to ignore the people we dislike
見ないが為に 見えないものがあることに 皆気付かない
But if we ignore them, there are things we can't see, everyone realizes this
閉ざす心 開く事を 皆ほとんどしないのさ
We close our hearts and hardly ever open them; that's what most people do
合わないと勝手に決めつけ 苦手意識を植え付け
We arbitrarily decide that we're not compatible and plant feelings of aversion
陰口を捌け口に満足 何も生まれぬ 言葉の反則
We use badmouthing as an outlet and are satisfied; nothing is born from these foul words
強者のようで実は弱者 いじめてるようで むしろ逆だ
They seem strong but are actually weak; they seem to be bullying, but it's the opposite
嫌われる事を怖がっている 自分でも薄々わかっている
They're afraid of being hated; they know this deep down
いつの日にか出来るのなら 今日からでも出来る あなたなら
If only I could someday, even today I could, you could
その人の素敵な所 見つめてみてよ きっと優しい気持ちになる
Look for that person's wonderful qualities, you'll surely feel kind
I'll say "I'm sorry" to myself; an unadorned, naked apology
虚勢張ってた 怖がってた 他人を信じれなかったみたい
I was putting on airs, being scared; I couldn't trust others, it seems
人に好かれたいと思って 人に尊敬されたいと思って
I wanted to be liked by people, to be respected by people
ずっと心の奥では ありがとうと言いたかったのでは?
Deep down, I have always wanted to say thank you, haven't I?
素直じゃなかった自分恥じて これからは信じるよマジで
I'm ashamed of my dishonesty; from now on, I'll believe for real
今からでも遅くない わかり合えば 喜び昨日の倍
It's not too late; if we understand each other, our joy will double
歪み合ってた時間が長くて その分逆に温かくて
The time we spent being at odds was long, so in contrast, it's even warmer
まだ見ぬ人生 花が咲いた 君に貰う美しき愛だ
In the life I have yet to see, flowers have bloomed; it's the beautiful love that I get from you
いつの日にか出来るのなら 今日からでも出来る あなたなら
If only I could someday, even today I could, you could
その人の素敵な所 見つめてみてよ きっと優しい気持ちになる
Look for that person's wonderful qualities, you'll surely feel kind
君と分かち合えるのなら こんなに嬉しいことはない
If I can share this with you, there is nothing that could make me happier
生きる意味を知る だから少しずつ 気持ちぶつけてく
I get to know the meaning of life, so little by little, I'll keep pouring my heart out
乗り越えた先に 素晴らしい人生が待っている
Beyond the hurdles, a wonderful life awaits
いつの日にか出来るのなら 今日からでも出来る あなたなら
If only I could someday, even today I could, you could
その人の素敵な所 見つめてみてよ きっと優しい気持ちになる
Look for that person's wonderful qualities, you'll surely feel kind
いつの日にか出来るのなら 今日からでも出来る あなたなら
If only I could someday, even today I could, you could
その人の素敵な所 見つめてみてよ きっと優しい気持ちになる
Look for that person's wonderful qualities, you'll surely feel kind

Writer(s): Naoki Takada, Shintaro"growth"izutsu, naoki takada, shintaro“growth”izutsu

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